
  • 网络the Oslo accords;Oslo Agreement
  1. 并未随奥斯陆协议结束,仍在继续恶化。

    Hasn 't ceased with the Oslo accords , it continues to fester .

  2. 在奥斯陆协议会不久做了一个演讲,解释道。

    Made a speech , shortly after the Oslo accords , and explained .

  3. 此外,根据《奥斯陆协议》(osloagreement),在“c类地区”,巴勒斯坦60%控制区的开发须由以色列决定这也是这份协议中以色列遵守的少数几项内容之一。

    Moreover , under the Oslo Agreement and this is one of the few parts of the agreement that Israel abides by the development of 60 per cent of Palestine is determined by Israel in the " category C zone " .

  4. 奥斯陆协议与奥斯陆精神&以色列和巴勒斯坦间的和平谈判

    Oslo Agreement and Oslo spirit - peace talks between Israel and Palestine

  5. 内塔尼亚胡反对1993年签署的《奥斯陆协议》,该协议寻求解决巴以冲突,使巴勒斯坦实现自治。

    Mr Netanyahu opposed the 1993 Oslo accords , which sought to resolve the conflict and establish Palestinian self-rule .

  6. 1993年以色列与巴勒斯坦人达成了奥斯陆协议后,一般来说以阿关系还是令人愉快的。

    Relations with the Arabs at large brightened after the Oslo Agreement between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993 .

  7. 第四部分回顾了奥斯陆协议后,以色列不同政府的被占领土政策特征,及其对和平进程的影响。

    The fourth chapter looks back the policy features of different governments and the influence on the peace progress after Oslo accords .

  8. 在《奥斯陆协议》签署前,巴勒斯坦经济就处于一种脆弱和不独立的状态。

    Before the signing of the " Oslo Convention ", the Palestinian economy has already been placed under fragile and dependent status .

  9. 以色列副外长丹尼.阿亚隆说,自从以色列1993年同意根据奥斯陆协议以土地换和平的方式以来,情况已经发生了变化。

    Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon says times have changed since Israel agreed to the land-for-peace formula under the Oslo Accords in1993 .

  10. 根据奥斯陆协议,以色列与巴勒斯坦解放组织终于走到一起,谈判共存与持久和平的框架。

    With the Oslo Accords , Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization had come together at last to negotiate a framework for coexistence and eventual peace .

  11. 不过已有111个联合国成员国签署了禁止束弹药的《奥斯陆协议》,其中许多签署国都视美国为阻碍的力量。

    But111 UN member states have already signed up to the Oslo convention banning cluster bombs , and many of them regarded the US proposal as a step backwards .

  12. 这些囚犯都是因杀害以色列人而长期在押的犯人,大多数是在以色列和巴勒斯坦于1933年签署《奥斯陆协议》之前就已被关押的犯人。

    These prisoners are long-term detainees , convicted of killing Israelis , most of them were detained before the 1993 Oslo Accords , an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians .

  13. 巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特和以色列签署奥斯陆协议,并承诺在两个政府的解决方案的基础上谈判以结束巴-以冲突。

    The Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat signs the Oslo accords with Israel , and declares his commitment to negotiating an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict , based on a two-state solution .

  14. 自奥斯陆和平协议以来,定居点的数量一直以指数形式增加。

    Ever since the Oslo peace treaty , the number of settlements have been increasing exponentially .

  15. 拉宾所签署的《奥斯陆和平协议》并没有结束巴以冲突。

    The Oslo peace deal signed under Rabin did not lead to the end of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict .