
  • 网络Al Arabiya;al-arabiya;Al-Arabiya television;Al Arabia
  1. 这段视频今天浮出水面,首先由阿拉伯电视台获得和播出。

    The video d today and was first obtained and broadcast by al-Arabiya .

  2. 据阿拉伯电视台报道,埃及总统穆巴拉克和家人据传已经离开开罗前往“未知地点”。

    Dubai-Hosni Mubarak and his family have allegedly left Cairo for an " unknown destination ", claims Al-Arabiya television .

  3. 这家阿拉伯电视台还说,穆巴拉克的一小群支持者聚集在解放广场附近。

    The Arab broadcaster also says a small group of Mubarak supporters have gathered near Tahrir Square .

  4. 阿拉伯电视台和半岛电视台都援引目击者的话说,忠于卡扎菲的坦克部队已经开进班加西。

    Both al Arabiya TV and al Jazeera TV , quoting eyewitnesses , said tanks loyal to Mr. Gadhafi had entered Benghazi .

  5. 迪拜高级发型师杰玛•布朗在接受阿拉伯电视台英语频道记者采访时说,达到这种效果最好的方法就是避免“太精致”。

    The best way toachieve that effect is to avoid " being too careful and precise , " Gemma Brown , asenior hairstylist in Dubai told Al Arabiya English .

  6. 奥巴马努力寻求与穆斯林世界改善关系。他上任后很快任命了一位中东特使;让一家阿拉伯电视台成为首家采访自己的外国广播机构;并表明他想与伊朗接触。

    Mr Obama has sought to reach out to the Muslim world by quickly appointing a Middle East envoy ; giving an Arabic television station his first interview with a foreign broadcaster ; and making clear that he wants engagement with Iran .

  7. 在波斯湾,卡塔尔国王哈利法对阿拉伯卫星电视台说,如果在本周末前不能就加沙危机达成一个外交解决途径,阿拉伯国家首脑应召开一次有争议的紧急会议。

    In the Persian Gulf , Qatar 's Emir Hamid ben Khalifa al Thani told al Jazeera TV that a disputed emergency Arab summit should be held at week 's end if no diplomatic solution to the Gaza crisis is reached before then .

  8. 阿里·萨拉比是泛阿拉伯地区半岛电视台常常路面的牧师,声称目前国会的执行委员会是由一帮“极端政教分离论者”组成的。

    Ali Salabi , a cleric often seen on the popular pan-Arab Al Jazeera television channel , says the council 's executive committee is made up of " extreme secularists " .