
  • 网络abbottabad
  1. 现在美国官员正在研究阿伯塔巴德突袭行动中检获的文件和电脑。

    Now , American officials are studying documents and computers seized during the raid in Abbottabad .

  2. 该事件之前,阿伯塔巴德镇曾是一座以旅游业著名的小镇,以英国军官詹姆斯.阿伯特命名。

    Before the incident , Abbottabad was a popular tourism town named after British officer James Abbott .

  3. 阿伯塔巴德距离巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡有两个小时的车程,当地有大量军事设施。

    Abbottabad is a two-hour drive from Islamabad , the Pakistani capital , and has a large military .

  4. 对于大多数的美国人来说,阿伯塔巴德的死,对于大选不会有什么作用。

    For most Americans , the significance of Abbottabad is anyway not about its possible impact on electoral politics .

  5. 今天,在我的指挥下,美国发动了一项对巴基斯坦阿伯塔巴德的针对性打击。

    Today , at my direction , the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan .

  6. 阿伯塔巴德的突袭和最近其他的事件,使巴基斯坦军方承受了更多来自国内外的压力。

    The Abbottabad raid , along with other recent incidents , has increased pressure on the Pakistani military both internationally and domestically .

  7. 当下,美国人正在热议,水刑是否真的取消了,中央情报局可能因为阿伯塔巴德而重新使用。

    Americans are already quarrelling about whether it was waterboarding , now banned , that produced the tip that led the CIA to Abbottabad .

  8. 巴基斯坦军方发言人阿兹马特准将强调说,没有巴基斯坦军方人员因阿伯塔巴德突袭而遭到拘押。

    Pakistani military spokesman Brigadier General Syed Azmat Ali emphasized that no Pakistani military personnel have been detained in relation to the Abbottabad raid .

  9. 一名巴基斯坦警察的手表超过地方以外的媒体和乌萨马本拉丹被打死在阿伯塔巴德,巴基斯坦,2011年5月5日,复合围观。

    A Pakistani policeman watches over media and onlookers outside the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed , in Abbottabad , Pakistan , May5,2011 .

  10. 一个在外面的阿伯塔巴德镇附近的茶馆在乌萨马本拉丹在巴基斯坦被打死,2011年5月5日,复合,街景。

    A street scene outside a teahouse in the town of Abbottabad , near the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed , in Pakistan , May5,2011 .

  11. 巴基斯坦称美国周日在阿伯塔巴德发动的袭击是“未经授权的单边行动”,不应该视为一般规则。

    Pakistan has described the US raid on Sunday in Abbottabad as an " unauthorised unilateral action " and said it should not be taken as a rule .

  12. 虚弱的本拉登使巴勒斯坦失败于发掘其在只距离首都2.5小时的车程的军事城镇&阿伯塔巴德的藏身处,似乎未现明显的尴尬。

    A weak bin Laden would make Pakistan 's failure to unearth his hiding place in Abbottabad , a military town just two-and-a-half hours'drive from the capital , seem less of a glaring embarrassment .

  13. 在突袭行动导致美巴关系受到严重考验之际,多尼隆表示,他尚未看到“任何证据至少是迄今为止表明,巴基斯坦的政治、军事或情报高层知道本拉登就在阿伯塔巴德”。

    With US-Pakistani relations being severely tested by the raid , Mr Donilon said he had not seen " any evidence , at least to date , that the political , military or intelligence leadership of Pakistan knew about Osama bin Laden at Abbottabad " .