
  • 网络buner;Jim Bunnell;F.Grübner
  1. 目前还不清楚还要向布内尔区增派多少兵力。

    It is unclear how many additional forces have been ordered to Buner .

  2. 当地官员估计,布内尔地区大约有50多万人居住。

    Local officials estimate more than 500000 people live in the Buner area .

  3. 发言人阿巴斯说,激进分子在布内尔的策略是着眼于增加平民死亡数字。

    Spokesman Abbas said militant tactics in Buner are aimed at increasing civilian deaths .

  4. 目前不清楚布内尔有多少民众躲过了军队最近的攻击行动。

    It is unclear how many people in Buner have fled the recent army offensive .

  5. 目击者说,武装分子在布内尔区打死至少一名准军事部队军人。

    Witnesses say gunmen in Buner district , killed at least one of the paramilitary troops .

  6. 这位目击者说,居民们一般都保持中立,既不支持塔利班,也不支持军方在布内尔的军方攻击行动。

    The witness said residents are generally neutral and neither support the Taliban nor the military offensive in Buner .

  7. 但是,像他们的指挥官原先期望的那样几周之内夺回布内尔地区似乎不太可能。

    But it seems unlikely that the troops would have retaken Buner within a week as their commanders had originally hoped .

  8. 政府在西北部地区的和平协议以及塔利班随后在包括布内尔区在内的附近地区的扩张引起华盛顿的密切关注。

    The government 's peace agreement in the northwest , and subsequent Taliban expansion into nearby areas including Buner , has drawn intense concern in Washington .

  9. 自从塔利班来到布内尔区,武装分子跟起初试图赶走他们的当地警察和部落民兵发生了战斗。

    Since the Taliban 's arrival , fighters have clashed with local police and armed tribal militias that initially tried to repel them from the area .

  10. 阿克巴尔在布内尔通过电话对记者说,塔利班现在完全控制了这个区,当地政府已经失去了对这个区的控制。

    Speaking by phone from Buner he says the Taliban are totally in control of the district and the local government has lost authority over the region .

  11. 阿克巴尔说,布内尔区有许多人担心安全部队跟激进分子很快就会打起来,一些人正在准备逃离。

    Sher Akbar says many in Buner are worried that fighting could break out soon between security forces and militants , and some people are preparing to leave .

  12. 阿巴斯少将说,70名警察和准军事部队人员星期二被在布内尔的塔利班武装分子从警察站劫持,不过其中18人获得解救。

    General Abbas said 70 police and paramilitary troops were kidnapped from police stations Tuesday by Taliban fighters in Buner , but 18 of them have been recovered .

  13. 救援人员已表示非常担心,斯瓦特山谷居民和附近布内尔市及迪尔地区的其他平民无法逃离激烈的战火。

    Aid workers have expressed concern that Swat residents and other civilians fleeing ongoing operations in nearby Buner and Dir districts have been unable to escape the heavy fighting .

  14. 在政府签署和平协议,同意在附近的斯瓦特山谷以及西北部其它地区实行伊斯兰法不久之后,几伙激进分子上星期渗透到布内尔区。

    Groups of militants infiltrated Buner last week , shortly after the government signed a peace deal to establish Islamic law in nearby Swat valley and other parts of the northwest .

  15. 巴基斯坦好战分子伏击了奉命紧急赶往首都附近布内尔地区的准军事武装。该地区最近被来自斯瓦特河谷的塔利班势力占领。

    Pakistani Forces Deploy in New Region Infiltrated by Taliban Militants in Pakistan have ambushed paramilitary forces who were being rushed to a region near the capital that was recently overrun by Taliban forces from the nearby Swat valley .