
  • 网络Blanka;Branca;blanca;Marco Branca
  1. 杰克逊的长期代理律师布兰卡(JohnBranca)和音乐界管理人士麦克莱恩(JohnMcClain)得到授权,对遗产事宜做出决定。

    Those administrators , lawyer John Branca and record executive John McClain , are empowered to make decisions on behalf of the estate .

  2. 遗嘱中列出的执行人是杰克逊的两位多年好友和业务助手:律师布兰卡(JohnBranca)和唱片制作人麦克莱恩(JohnMcClain)。

    The will names as executors two longtime friends and business associates of Mr. Jackson : lawyer John Branca and record executive John McClain .

  3. 《卡萨布兰卡》的声带花了好几个星期才剪辑好。

    The soundtrack of ' Casablanca ' took weeks to edit .

  4. 重新录制的特别版《卡萨布兰卡》发行了。

    A special remastered version of Casablanca is being released .

  5. 飞行途中放的电影是《卡萨布兰卡》。

    The in-flight movie was Casablanca .

  6. 在起航前“卡德”号和僚舰上的官兵已在卡萨布兰卡吃了圣诞晚餐。

    The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing .

  7. 卡萨布兰卡于1970年在纽约创立了Elite经纪公司,并领导其发展成世界最领先的模特经纪公司。

    Casablanca set up the Elite agency in New York in1970 and made itsintosone of the world 's leading model agencies .

  8. 跟电影《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)里的那个咖啡馆一模一样。

    It was just like the one in the movie " Casablanca . "

  9. 现在60岁的卡萨布兰卡所创立的Elite塑造了包括辛迪-克劳馥和呶米-坎贝尔在内的许多世界超级名模,他被指控对一未成年少女进行性侵犯。

    Casablanca , 60 , whose Elite agency has represented supermodels such as Cindy Crawford ( news ) and Naomi Campbell , is accused of sexual abuse of a minor .

  10. 通勤的可预见性对于鲍比・布兰卡奇奥(BobbyBrancazio)来说十分重要——具体而言价值每月174美元(约合人民币1067元)。

    Predictability is worth a lot to Bobby Brancazio when he commutes -- $ 174 a month , to be exact .

  11. 在《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)的最后一幕中,汉弗莱·博加特(HumphreyBogart)站在飞机跑道上;

    or Humphrey Bogart on a tarmac in the final scenes of " Casablanca " ;

  12. 卡萨布兰卡现实中的里克咖啡馆背后的老板和创始人是一位名叫凯西·克里格(KathyKriger)的前美国外交官。

    The owner and founder of the real Rick 's Caf é in Casablanca is a former American diplomat , Kathy Kriger .

  13. 2011年份干露酒庄(ConchayToro)产科尔特-伊格纳西奥(CorteIgnacio)卡萨布兰卡谷(Casablanca)雷司令,10欧元

    and 2011 Concha y Toro Corte Ignacio Casablanca Riesling , EUR10 Sauvignon Blanc

  14. 第三位执行人是会计师希格尔(BarrySiegel),据布兰卡和麦克克莱恩雇用的发言人发表的一份声明,希格尔已于2003年辞去执行人一职。

    A third executor , accountant Barry Siegel , resigned from that position in 2003 , according to a statement from a spokesman for the estate hired by Messrs. Branca and McClain .

  15. 八卦网站TMZ报道说共同执行人约翰布兰卡和约翰麦克莱恩已经就该节目写信给频道总裁,这个节目预计下月在英国播出。

    TMZ reports that co-executors John Branca and John McClain have written to the networks president regarding the programme , which is due to air in the UK next month .

  16. 或者正如汉弗莱·鲍嘉饰演的角色里克·布莱恩(RickBlaine)在电影中说的:“我会死在卡萨布兰卡。这是一个死去的好地方。”

    Or as Humphrey Bogart 's character , Rick Blaine , put it in the movie : " I 'm going to die in Casablanca . It 's a good place for it . "

  17. 遗嘱指定长期担任杰克逊代理律师的布兰卡(JohnBranca)和杰克逊的好友麦克克莱恩(JohnMcClain)为遗嘱执行人。麦克克莱恩也是一位资深音乐人,曾负责杰克逊最后一张专辑Invincible。

    The will names as co-executors Mr. Jackson 's longtime attorney , John Branca , and John McClain , a personal friend and veteran music executive who worked on Mr. Jackson 's final studio album , ' Invincible . '

  18. 就在上周,他重新聘用了布兰卡(JohnBranca)。此人是洛杉矶娱乐圈内一位有名的代理律师,杰克逊很多最赚钱的商业交易都是由他达成的,包括收购ATV、建立与索尼的合资公司。

    Just last week , he rehired John Branca , the high-profile Los Angeles entertainment attorney who struck many of the singer 's most business deals , including the ATV acquisition and the joint venture with Sony .

  19. 邦瓦莱(Fran?oisBonvalet)表示,法国商学院必须谨防简单复制的模式。图卢兹商学院目前在伦敦、巴塞罗那和卡萨布兰卡设有国际校区。

    French schools must beware of a copy-and-paste approach , says Fran ? ois Bonvalet , dean of Toulouse Business School , which now has international campuses in London , Barcelona and Casablanca .

  20. 他看起来像是挂在“PedraDoTelégrafo”海滩上空,离地面接近1000英尺。照片上还可以看见佩德·拉布兰卡国家公园的美景。

    He appeared to hang over a beach at Pedra Do Tel é grafo with a 1000ft drop below , as well as sweeping views of the Pedra Branca national park .

  21. 2002年,当她筹款时,美国对伊斯兰极端分子的财务状况非常怀疑,因此她主动前往财政部,解释人们为什么将钱汇给卡萨布兰卡的非常嫌犯匿名社团(UsualSuspectSociétéAnonyme)。

    It was 2002 when she was fundraising , amid much suspicion in America about the finances of Islamic extremists , so she proactively went to the Treasury Department to explain why people were wiring money to the Usual Suspects Soci é t é Anonyme in Casablanca .

  22. “我们希望人们能更加清楚地认识到,交通包含性别内容,”负责也门和卡萨布兰卡研究的世界银行交通经济学Jean-CharlesCrochet说。

    " We want people to be better aware that there is a gender dimension to transport ," says World Bank Transport Economist , Jean-Charles Crochet , who led the studies in Yemen and Casablanca .

  23. 12和13两日霾雾笼罩卡萨布兰卡。

    A haze lay over Casablanca on the 12th and 13th .

  24. 卡萨布兰卡爆炸案至少20人丧生

    At Least 20 Died in Casablanca Blasts BLAST CHAMBER Cheating Cases

  25. 就像电影《卡萨布兰卡》,不过是真实的。

    Like in the film , casablanca , but for real .

  26. 在卡萨布兰卡里克的大名是如雷贯耳啊。

    There 's a great deal about Rick in Casablanca .

  27. 布兰卡?能给这小东西弄些吃的吗?

    Bianca ? Can you make this iittle man something to eat ?

  28. 我知道但是布兰卡生病了

    Yeah , I know , but Blanca is sick .

  29. 鲍嘉主演了拍摄于1942年的电影<<卡萨布兰卡>>。

    Bogart starred in the film casablanca , which was made in1942 .

  30. 卡莎布兰卡是一长而软弱的铁路线的终点。

    Casablanca was the terminus of a long , rickety railway line .