
  • 网络brookline
  1. Edelman之后对《波士顿环球报》说,布鲁克莱恩的官员们拒绝干涉此事。

    Edelman later told the Boston Globe that Brookline officials declined to intervene .

  2. 他要求餐馆赔偿12美元,并争论说根据国家消费者保护法,他有资格得到3倍的赔偿。住在布鲁克莱恩的Edelman还联系了当地官员,要求餐馆赔偿所有可能牵涉其中的顾客。

    He demanded a $ 12 refund , arguing that hewas eligible for triple damages under the state 's consumer protection statute.Edelman , a Brookline resident , also contacted local officials to demand the restaurant compensateall other customers who might have been affected .

  3. 约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪于1917年出生在马萨诸塞州布鲁克莱恩城。

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in1917 in Massachusetts , Brooklyn City .

  4. 欧布莱恩生于马萨诸塞州的布鲁克莱恩,家里是爱尔兰天主教式家庭。

    O'Brien was born in Brookline , Massachusetts , and raised in an Irish Catholic family .

  5. 这位名叫BenjaminEdelman的副教授以法律诉讼相威胁,并要求这家位于布鲁克莱恩的四川饭庄赔偿所以可能多付了钱的顾客。此前,他说自己上周叫外卖时点了四道菜,而餐馆每道菜分别多收他一块钱。

    Associate professor Benjamin Edelman had threatened legal action and demanded the Sichuan Garden in Brookline compensate all other customers who might have been similarly overcharged after he said it charged him $ 1 more on each of the four items he ordered for takeout last week .