
  • 网络Country Representative;national representative;National Delegate;National athlete
  1. vi.采用象征;使用符号;作为…的象征红色在许多国家代表危险。

    symbolize The red color symbolizes danger in many countries .

  2. v.欢腾当知道我们的国家代表队在国际蓝球赛中赢得了金牌时,全民欢腾。

    exult All the people exulted to find that our national team won the gold medal in the International Basketball Tournament .

  3. 加强与亚太区中国以外的国家代表NGO的CCM成员的联系;

    Build up communication with the CCM members representing NGOs in the countries other than China in Asia Pacific Region .

  4. 在为争取提名支持而进行全球巡访时,拉加德含糊其辞地提到了继续推进imf改革、增加新兴市场国家代表权。

    During her global tour to gather support for the nomination , she spoke in vague terms of continuing reforms at the IMF to increase representation for emerging market countries .

  5. 唯一有权禁止整个国家代表团参赛的国际奥林匹克委员会(InternationalOlympicCommittee)称,报告中列出的行为“是对体育诚信的一次骇人的、空前的打击”,并承诺“尽可能对涉及的任何个人或组织采取最严厉的制裁”。

    The International Olympic Committee , which has the sole authority to ban an entire national delegation , called the actions outlined in the report a " shocking and unprecedented attack on the integrity of sport , " pledging to pursue " the toughest possible sanctions available against any individual or organization implicated . "

  6. 有时还需要通过国家代表办公室。

    In some cases you would go through your state representatives office .

  7. 红色在许多国家代表危险。

    The red color symbolizes danger in many countries . dif

  8. 学生小组对来访的数位国家代表和公民领袖们作简报。

    Presentations by Student Teams to visiting Digital Nations Delegates and Civic Leaders .

  9. 将有资格参与国家代表队遴选。

    Where the top six qualify for a berth on the world team .

  10. 国家代表队将于明天去伦敦。

    The national team is travelling to London tomorrow .

  11. 作为发达国家代表,美国政府职能体系已发展得较为完善。

    As developed country representative , The US government function system has developed perfectly .

  12. 我们的国家代表什么?

    What does our country stand for ?

  13. 几内亚党和国家代表团

    Party-State of Guinea , the delegation of

  14. 本周,来自全球196个国家代表齐聚巴黎,讨论气候变化。

    Representatives from 196 countries have gathered in Paris this week to discuss climate change .

  15. 关于国家代表权问题的会议

    Conference on the Representation of States

  16. 我是世界女权协会的西洲国家代表团妇女的代表。

    I am representing women in the Asian countries delegation of the world women 's rights council .

  17. 这项研究是在密歇根大学健康和退休试验研究项目的国家代表性数据的基础上进行的。

    The research was based on nationally representative data from the University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study .

  18. 我们还在国际卫生伙伴关系后续程序(IHP+)和相关行动框架内与许多伙伴和国家代表进行了合作。

    We also collaborated with many partner and country representatives in the context of IHP + and related initiatives .

  19. 人们期望由那三个国家代表所发起的草约能成为一个正式的协定。

    The protocol initiated by the representatives of the three nations is expected to lead to a formal treaty .

  20. 当知道我人的国家代表队在国际蓝球赛中赢得了金牌时,全民欢腾了。

    All the people exulted to find that our national team won the gold medal in the International Basketball Tournament .

  21. 这样,对非洲来说,中国比美国和西方国家代表一种软的选择。

    This way , China represents a " soft-alternative " to the United States of America and Western countries to Africa .

  22. 这个国家代表了所有男女都是平等的,他们有着平等的权利。

    This country stands for the proposition that all men and women are created equal , that they have certain inalienable rights .

  23. 德国作为世界发达国家代表,其发达的中等教育体系和严谨的课程设计颇受好评。

    As the representative of developed countries , Germany is highly evaluated for its well developed secondary education system and organized curriculum design .

  24. 在周一的会议期间,中国代表团还在交互对话中认真回答了其他国家代表队问题,对其建议作出回应。

    During Monday 's meeting , the Chinese delegation also answered questions and responded to recommendations from other states in an interactive dialogue .

  25. 叙利亚外交部长在卡塔尔受到了来自22个阿拉伯联盟国家代表团的迎接,并对终止八个月内乱的方法做探讨。

    Syria 's foreign minister met a delegation of the22-country Arab League in Qatar to discuss ways of ending eight months of civil strife .

  26. 罗马青训出身的阿奎拉尼已经被徵召进入义大利国家代表队一次,且被认为是义大利足坛最具潜力的明日之星之一。

    Giallorossi academy product , Aquilani has already been capped once for Italy and is considered one of the most promising talents of Italian football .

  27. 政治国家代表的是一定社会集团共同特有的利益,它只能以市民社会经济条件为基础。

    Political State is the representation of common interests of some social groups , it established on the basis of the economic condition of Civil Society .

  28. 商务活动也不断受到重视:塞尔维亚和其他前南斯拉夫国家代表通过本次周年庆典寻求交易,尤其是在武器和建设方面。

    Business plays an increasing role too : the Serbs and other former Yugoslavs used the anniversary to look for deals , especially in arms and construction .

  29. 对新西兰的年轻人来说,运动生涯的最高成就,就是能穿上那套出名的橄榄球国家代表队的黑色制服。

    To the uninitiated , rugby is a game in which a bunch of powerfully built men throw themselves at one another in pursuit of an oval ball .

  30. 美国另一名高级外交人员目前还在该地区同参加六方会谈的其它国家代表进行磋商。美国助理国务卿希尔上星期五结束了对平壤的访问。美国有关官员拒绝透露希尔顿此行所获得的具体信息。

    U.S. officials are refusing to comment on the substance of what Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill learned on a visit to Pyongyang that ended last Friday .