
  • 网络International College of Surgeons;ISS;ICS;international society of surgery
  1. 国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgery)最近的一份研究显示,韩国是全球人均整容手术率最高的国家。

    A recent study by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery estimated that South Korea had the highest rate of cosmetic surgery per capita of any country in the world .

  2. 尽管韩国人可以说是全球最热衷于整容的,国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgeons)的数据显示,韩国人均整容手术数量在全球排第一,但整形医生说,嘴巴周围的区域相对来说尚未开发。

    Though South Koreans are some of the most avid users of plastic surgery in the world - the country has the world 's highest number of cosmetic surgery procedures per capita , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons - the area around the mouth was relatively unexplored , the surgeons say .

  3. 国际美容整形外科学会(ISAPS)于7月31日公布的全球行业数据报告显示,2013年有2786名德国男性接受了生殖器增大手术。

    German men went under the knife for 2786 penile enlargement surgeries in 2013 , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ) , which today released its 2014 global stats report .

  4. 国际整形美容外科学会称吸脂术是全球最受欢迎的整容手术。

    The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says liposuction is the most popular form of cosmetic surgery worldwide .

  5. 根据国际美容整形外科学会提供的数据,2013年,实施美容和非手术治疗的人超过两千三百万例。

    More than 23 million cosmetic and non-surgicalprocedures were performed in 2013 , according to the International Society ofAesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ) .

  6. 根据国际整形美容外科学会的数据,2016年印度实施了约33000例胸部手术,而2010年实施的隆胸手术为50600例。

    According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery , there were about 33000 breast augmentation surgeries carried out in India in 2016 , versus about 50600 procedures in 2010 .

  7. 国际美容整形外科学会发布的数据显示,若考虑人口因素,韩国现在是全世界整形美容业最大的市场。

    Figures released by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ), suggest that when population is taken into account , South Korea is now the world 's largest market for cosmetic procedures .

  8. 追求外形修整的医疗游客蜂拥而至。国际美容整形外科学会称,2014年,巴西在多类整形手术上超越美国,成为整形第一大国。

    Medical tourists flock to the country in pursuit of body modifications . Brazil passed the United States in 2014 as the top country for several cosmetic surgery operations , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery .