
  • 网络International banking;International Banking Operations
  1. 第二章为相关理论概述,介绍了国际银行业务相关理论、4Ps理论、PEST理论和SWOT理论,为全文奠定坚实的理论基础。

    The second chapter is overview of theories , including the international banking theory , 4Ps theory , PEST theory and SWOT theory laying a solid theoretical foundation for the full text .

  2. 《国际银行业务Ⅱ》以前是选修课,但是这上面说现在它成了必修课。

    It used to be that International Banking II was an elective , but now it says it 's a required class .

  3. 所有这些小组提供全方位的国际银行业务。

    All these groups offer a full range of international banking services .

  4. 还有,关于《国际银行业务》这门课。

    And I want to ask about - International Banking .

  5. 因此,科慧国际银行业务系统为银行带来真正的商业价值。

    In this way , TIBS provides true business value to the bank .

  6. 我上了《国际银行业务I》,但没有上《国际银行业务Ⅱ》。

    I took International Banking I , but I never took International Banking Ⅱ .

  7. 一个英国殖民地,位于牙买加西北的加勒比海中;国际银行业务中心。

    A British colony in the Caribbean northwest of Jamaica ; an international banking center .

  8. 这几年来,荷银不仅辜负了股东们的期望,而且试图隐瞒其惨淡的国际银行业务的实际成本。

    ABN AMRO has been disappointing shareholders for years and contriving to hide the real costs of its underpowered global banking operations .

  9. 信中写道,目前有一些令人忧虑的崩溃迹象,包括国际银行业务收缩、以及跨境放贷和资金市场的缩水。

    There are worrying signs of fragmentation , including retrenchment in international banking , reductions in cross-border lending and in funding markets , it said .

  10. 成立两年以来,青岛国际银行的业务得到了全面发展,资产规模成倍扩大,盈利水平稳步提高。

    Qingdao International Bank has made rapid development in both expansion of assets and improvement of profitability .

  11. 零售银行业务的重要性日益提高是当今国际领先银行业务发展的一个显著特征。

    The increasing importance of retail banking is an important feature of advanced banking business in the world today .

  12. ⑵分析了入世将对我国银行业造成的冲击以及当前国际商业银行业务经营的发展趋势;

    ⑵ Analyzing the impacts of WTO to China 's banking and the current management directions in international commercial banks ;

  13. 前金融工程师潘迪特先生力图使花旗重拾老本行,从事企业服务和国际零售银行业务。

    Mr Pandit , a former quant , is returning Citi to its roots in corporate services and international retail banking .

  14. 私人银行业务在中国而言是一项新兴的服务,但是,国际私人银行业务的发展已经经过了数百年的积淀。

    Personal banking business is an emerging business in China . However , it has been developed for centuries in the international market .

  15. 在国际上银行业务外包蓬勃发展的背景下,我国银行已经认识到业务外包给银行带来的各种收益,开始了业务外包的实践。

    With the booming development of banking outsourcing in the world , Chinese banks have realized the benefits of banking outsourcing and begun the practice .

  16. 在过去几年中,个人理财业务成为国际上银行业务中增长较快、利润贡献较高的主要业务之一。

    In the past years , the personal wealth management has become one of the main fast growing and profitable business lines of commercial banks worldwide .

  17. 2011年第四季度,国际个人银行业务实现营收47亿美元,同比小幅增长了2%。

    International Consumer Banking revenue was up a slight 2 % to $ 4.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2011 versus the same period last year .

  18. 中期而言,随着中国金融机构的成熟和基础设施的发展,中国将从伦敦那里收回国际投资银行业业务。

    In the medium term China will reclaim international investment banking business from London as its institutions and infrastructure mature .

  19. 认识到分业经营制度对商业银行中间业务发展的束缚作用,且正是分业经营制度的渐趋瓦解和松动,为国际银行业中间业务提供了快速发展的空间。

    Just the loosen of the principle of business seperation that gives more chance to the development of intermediary business of commercial banks .

  20. 国际业务作为银行业务中的后起之秀,拥有着许多传统银行业务无法比拟的优势,例如附加值高、盈利能力强、风险低等。

    International business as a rising star in the banking business has incomparable advantages of many of the traditional banking business , such as high value-added , strong profitability , and low risk .

  21. 进入20世纪80年代以来,国际商业银行中间业务迅猛发展,经营种类繁多,经营范围广泛,业务规模日趋扩大,非利息收入持续增长。

    Since the 1980s , International Commercial Bank undergone the rapid development of intermediary business , the species was variety , the range was extensive , the scope of business increased day by day , Non-interest income grew fast .

  22. 有很多企业在排队,但与2009年和2010年的末季相比,没有几家能够完成,香港一家大型国际银行的融资业务负责人表示。

    There are a lot of companies in the queue but not a lot of them will get done compared to the last quarters of 2009 and 2010 , says the head of financing at one major international bank in Hong Kong .

  23. 国际顶尖银行的零售业务&大银行并不是只做大业务,它们在开展零售业务方面各有高招

    Retail Business Of Top Banks

  24. 该业务集中间业务与资产业务于一身,已成为许多国际性银行的主要业务之一。

    The business sets the intermediate business and assets business in a body . For now , it has become one of the core business for many international banks .

  25. 国际贸易融资业务目前已成为许多国际性银行的主要业务之一。

    A Research on the Bank-Enterprise Relation in the International Trade Finance Business of Bank K ;