
gōng xīn shuì
  • payroll tax
工薪税[gōng xīn shuì]
  1. 工薪税的经济归宿分析及其借鉴意义

    An Analysis on Economic Incidence of Payroll Tax and Its Use for Reference

  2. 美国的每一个员工--1。6亿多--每年获得了平均$1000工薪税的减免。

    Every worker in America - more than 160 million - got an average payroll tax cut of $ 1000 per year ;

  3. 本文使用广东省的数据对工薪税的税率进行了研究。

    Our study of the tax rate is based on data from Guangdong Province .

  4. 本文分析了工薪税的税收归宿和劳动供给弹性的影响。

    This paper analyses the tax incidence and the influence of the labor supply elasticity on it .

  5. 拥有健康保险的家庭收入中的15000美元将不用支付任何所得税或工薪税。

    Families with health insurance will pay no income or payroll taxes on $ 15,000 of their income .

  6. 一名阁僚建议提高公司所付工薪税,并用多征收的部分,抵偿工人所交的工薪税。

    A staff member proposes raising the payroll tax paid by firms and using part of the extra revenue to reduce the payroll tax paid by workers .

  7. 今天不仅食品券项目遭遇了打击,经济刺激方案的其他福利也同样被终止,包括实施了两年的工薪税减税政策。

    Today 's blow to the food stamps program comes just as other parts of stimulus package have ended as well , like the two-year payroll tax holiday .

  8. 拟定的政策变更包括终止小布什政府期间制定的临时减税政策和奥巴马政府实施的工薪税临时削减计划。

    The slated policy changes include an end to the temporary tax cuts enacted during the George W. Bush administration , as well as an end to the temporary Obama administration payroll tax reductions .

  9. 这在一定程度上是由于,如今较以往更容易在缴纳营业及工薪税方面得到政府的通融(从而缓和自己的现金流问题)。

    This is partly because it is now much easier than before to reach an accommodation with the government over payment terms for their sales and payroll taxes ( so easing their cashflow problems ) .

  10. 提高工薪所得税免税额一定能降低收入不平等吗?

    Does elevation of tax exemption necessarily reduce income inequality ?

  11. 中国工薪所得税有效税率研究

    A Study of the Effective Income Tax Rate of Wage Earners in China

  12. 工薪所得税免征额及其指数化调整研究

    Research on Wage Tax Allowance and Its Indexation

  13. 为了更好地发挥个人所得税调节收入分配的功能,中国新的工薪所得税免税额由原来的800元提高到1600元。

    In order to improve the redistributive efficiency of personal income taxes , the personal wage tax exemption has increased from 800 yuan to 1600 yuan .

  14. 事实上,我想延长降低工薪家庭工资税的期限。

    In fact , I want to extend the payroll tax cut for working families .