
  • 网络Industrial Design Engineering
  1. 工业设计工程基础是工业设计师必须具备的三大基础知识之一。

    Engineering basics of industrial design is one of the three kinds of basic knowledge necessary for industrial designers .

  2. 论文构建了工业设计工程基础的知识体系,并论述了其主要组成内容:造型材料基础,成型工艺基础,表面技术基础和数字化技术基础。

    The knowledge system of engineering basics of industrial design is set up and its contents such as molding material basics , molding technique basics , surface technology basics and digital technology basics are discussed in this paper .

  3. 最后提出设计师要掌握工业设计工程基础知识,在传递信息和文化价值的设计过程中正确地传达自己的设计思想,而不是在视觉语意传达中制造噪音。

    It is finally proposed that designers should master the knowledge of engineering basics of industrial design in order to correctly express their design thoughts during the transmission of information and the design of cultural value in stead of making noises in the communication of vision and meaning .

  4. 试谈工业设计专业工程类课程教学问题

    On the Teaching of Industrial Courses for Industrial Design Specialty

  5. 工业设计系统工程

    System Management for Industry Design

  6. 工业设计与工程技术设计

    Design and engineering design

  7. 形状混合在工业设计、工程模拟等领域具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    Aimed to aid industrial design , an approach to shape blending of NURBS curves is proposed based on minimum distance .

  8. 在生产活动中工业设计与工程设计是密不可分的,如何将大批量定制理论应用于工业设计领域成为摆在我们面前的崭新课题。

    Industrial design and engineering design are inextricably linked in production activities , so how to apply Mass Customization theory to industrial design becomes a new subject .

  9. 通过对工业设计专业工程制图课的教学实践,研究了提高学生创造性思维能力的教学方法。

    With the practice of teaching on engineering graphics of industrial design , the teaching methods that are able to improve the creative thinking ability of students are thoroughly studied .

  10. 工业设计与工程技术设计的衔接协作是一个长期困扰设计师和工程师的难题,目前国内外主要通过面向制造与装配的设计技术以及强化设计师的工程技术知识来解决。

    The transition of design is a difficult problem that long puzzles industrial designers and engineers . Now two approaches , Design for Manufacture and Assembly ( DFMA ) and intensify the engineering knowledge of industrial designers are applied to partly resolve this problem .

  11. 工业设计专业的工程制图教学模式探索

    Exploration for the Engineering Graphics Teaching Mode for Industrial Design Speciality

  12. 拓宽现代工业设计的人机工程系统研究

    Research on Developing the Human Engineering System in the Modern Industrial Design

  13. 艺术与科学技术的融合&论工业设计专业的工程技术基础教育

    Blending of Art and Science / Technology & Engineering Education of Industrial Design Speciality

  14. 产品风格的认知和设计涉及心理学、语言学、符号学、计算机技术、工业设计、人机工程等多领域的知识。

    The cognition and design of style covers interdisciplinary knowledge including Psychology , Linguistics , Semiotics , Computer Technology , Industrial Design , Ergonomics and so on .

  15. 通过设计实践,进一步研究探讨了装载机驾驶室内饰设计、工业设计与人机工程三者间的作用和融合关系。

    With the practice through the design , I have further researched into the relations and interaction among the design of the cab of loaders , industry design and ergonomics .

  16. 将洗衣机结构分为工业设计部分和工程设计部分,运用分解重构理论对洗衣机产品的工业设计部分的模块划分、模块设计和模块化产品设计过程进行了理论与实例研究。

    The washing machine structure is divided into industrial design and engineering design , application of decomposition and reconstruction theory of washing machine product industrial design part of the module partition , module design and modular product design process are discussed in theory and case study .

  17. 论工业设计制图专业的工程制图教学改革

    Discussion on the Reform of the Teaching of Engineering Drawing in the Industrial Design Speciality

  18. 在工业设计和反求工程中,曲线是形状设计和数据拟合的重要对象。

    Curve is an important object for shape design and data fitting in industry design and reverse engineering .

  19. 对于工科院校工业设计专业而言,工程图学的核心与关键是三维立体和二维视图之间的对应关系,以及它们之间的逆转过程。

    For the industrial design specialty in college of engineering , the core for mechanical drafting is the corresponding relationship and the reversing process between three-dimensional stereogram and two-dimension view .

  20. 重型机械行业市场竞争日益加剧,当技术发展到一定程度的时候,工业设计就成为了工程机械行业提高竞争力、构建品牌、进入国际市场的重要战略手段。

    While heavy machinery industry market is increasingly competitive , with technology development to a certain extent , the industrial design has become an important strategic approach for the construction machinery industry to improve competitiveness , to build a brand , and to enter the international market .

  21. 都市所属本院下设设计所,主要从事各类民用及工业建筑设计、装饰工程设计、园林工程设计、城区规划、环境设计等业务。

    City place belongs to this academy to set design institute , basically be engaged in of all kinds and civil reach industry to build design of program of design of engineering of design , adornment engineering design , gardens , the city zone , environment to wait for business .