
ɡōnɡ zuò dì
  • workplace;patch
  1. 四川外国语大学成都学院(ChengduInstituteSichuanInternationalStudiesUniversity)法语系教授沈光临表示,一流大学过于注重法国文学和历史,它们忽视了这样一个事实:非洲正变成学生们最大的工作地。

    Shen Guanglin , a French professor at Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University , says elite universities focus too much on French literature and history , and overlook the fact that Africa is becoming the biggest workplace for students .

  2. 并通过解决一个实际布局问题,阐述了CSLP的具体应用方法及其对减少工作地干扰的作用。

    And by addressing a practical layout , we described CSLP and its specific application methods to reduce workplace distraction .

  3. 博克接受《赫芬顿邮报》的采访,谈到了谷歌的用人哲学,以及如何加入这家一直被认为是最佳工作地的公司。

    Bock spoke1 with The Huffington Post about Google 's people philosophy and how to get hired at the company , which consistently is ranked as one of the best places to work .

  4. 国家卫生健康委员会副主任曾益新表示,倡导大家在工作地过年,出门旅游要严格遵守景区疫情防控规定。

    People have been urged to stay in the cities where they work for the Spring Festival holiday and abide spots when traveling , according to Zeng Yixin , deputy head of the National Health Commission .

  5. 到墨西哥旅行的非高危人群,工作地有确诊的感染A(H1N1)型猪流感病毒患者的第一报道人或边界工作者。

    Non-high risk persons who are travelers to Mexico , first responders , or border workers who are working in areas with confirmed cases of swine influenza A ( H1N1 ) virus infection .

  6. 用REBA方法将工作地中人的作业动作因素定量化,结合物流因素,提出了新的基于人因学的工作地设施布局的优化设计模型,综合反映物流优化和人因素优化两个方面。

    A new mathematical model is developed for FLP , in which quantitative human factors are incorporated by using the method of REBA . The new model comprehensively reflects the optimization of two sides , material flow and human factors .

  7. 因此大部分居民需要长通勤距离到达工作地和购物地,大大增加了城市的负载。

    So , most residents need long commuting for working and shopping .

  8. 基于工作地布置的生产系统整体化重组方法

    A Plant Layout Based Integrated Redesign Process for Production Systems

  9. 申请这份工作地信件三三两两来得很慢。

    Applications for the job are coming in slowly in twos threes .

  10. 你会感到非常的放松,并且,可以工作地更好。

    You 'll be much relaxed work better .

  11. 对我们大多数来说,坐一次火车便是前往工作地途中的睡眼朦胧。

    For most of us , a train journey means a sleepy-eyed commute to work .

  12. 加强对民间艺术的调查和整理尤为重要,是一切工作地前提。

    Strengthens to the folk art investigation and reorganization especially important , is all job site premise .

  13. 新的数学模型及其约束条件的提出,为工作地设施布局的优化设计提供了一种新颖的定量化工具。

    The new mathematical model and related restrictions provide a novel quantitative tool for solving workplace FLP .

  14. 总的来说,无论年龄、收入和工作地的差别,所有员工对工作都有不满意的地方。

    Overall , dissatisfaction has spread among all workers , regardless of age , income or residence .

  15. 我还记得,那些离我当时工作地很近的抗议者,大概有几万人吧。

    I also remember protest near where I used to work , numbering perhaps tens of thousands of people .

  16. 当然,我应该高兴,因为明天不用去那该死的工作地。

    Definitely , I should be happy , for tomorrow I don 't have to go to that damned workplace .

  17. 将各工作地请求物料装卸和搬运作业抽象为请求的排队问题。

    Abstract the requests for load and unload together with handling service of the work areas as the requests queue problem .

  18. 用户更习惯于在程序启动时收到更新的通知,而不是正在工作地某个时刻。

    Users will appreciate receiving an update notification consistently and immediately at launch time , rather than at random times during their work .

  19. 改进了求解工作地设施布局的遗传算法并应用之对模型求解。

    A genetic algorithm for multi-row facility layout is used to solve the mathematical model , which is also improved by employing new chromosome expression and mutation operator .

  20. 有些人不情愿买高价的往返票,他们宁愿留在工作地,用其他的方法将他们的祝福带给亲人。

    Instead of spending money on pricey transportation , some decided to remain in the cities where they work or use other methods to send greetings to their families .

  21. 他对自己的律师工作渐渐地不抱幻想了。

    He was becoming disenchanted with his job as a lawyer .

  22. 他的闲暇时间开始被工作过分地侵占了。

    The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time .

  23. 我们对工作大大地抱怨了一番。

    We had a good moan about work .

  24. 我的工作远远地落在了后面。

    I 'm miles behind with my work .

  25. 移植到Linux测试用例需要依照开发工作适当地阶段化。

    The test-case porting to Linux needs to be staged properly along with the development work .

  26. 本工作系统地研究了豚鼠△f(am)与载波频率、调制波频率、调幅深度、调幅时程、声音强度等的关系。

    Δ fam in relation to the carrier and , modulator frequencies , to the depth and duration of amplitude modulation , and to sound intensity are systematically studied .

  27. 管理SVG开发的很多日常工作简单地继承自较广泛的XML原则,并且一定要在编写SVG之前清楚地理解XML。

    Much of the daily work of managing SVG development simply inherits from broader XML principles , and it 's important to understand XML clearly before tackling SVG .

  28. 我国是工程塑料ABS树脂的最大消费国,国内ABS树脂的新产品的研发及市场化工作明显地落后于国外同行业厂家;

    China is the largest user of ABS in the world , but the research and development of new ABS product is obviously lagged to other countries in this industry .

  29. 近年的AUV仿真工作更多地集中于对AUV水动力学特性仿真数学模型的建立上,不能满足AUV群体协作策略级仿真的需要。

    In the recent years , most efforts on AUV simulation are focused on hydrodynamic models , which cannot meet the demands of cooperative AUV simulations in strategy level .

  30. 苹果公司的具体创新工作更多地是由乔布斯的副手掌管,例如负责苹果工业设计团队的高级副总裁乔纳森•埃维(JonathanIve)。

    The hands-on work of Apple 's innovations depend more directly on subordinates such as Jonathan Ive , an Apple senior vice president who oversees the company 's industrial design team .