
  • 网络Industrial Technology College;ATS Institute of Technology
  1. 常州工业技术学院电教中心给水排水与消防工程设计与探讨

    The Design and Discuss of Water Supply , Drainage and Fire Control Engineering for the Electrical Education Center of CITC

  2. 本文介绍了常州工业技术学院电教中心给水排水与消防工程概况、设计意图、基本参数的确定、卫生设备和管材的选用原则。

    In this paper , the general outline of water supply , drainage and fire-control engineering for the EEC of CITC was recommended .

  3. 本文论述了常州工业技术学院电教中心的设计心得和体会,探索建筑设计过程中,如何在满足使用功能的同时,适应环境,创造环境。

    This article discusses my learning from the architectural design of the Electrical Education Centre of CITC , and expounds that a building in the architectural , create the environment at the same time .

  4. 职业技术学院教师队伍的SWOT分析与对策&以湖南工业职业技术学院为例

    SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of Teacher in Vocational College & An Example of Hunan Industry Polytechnic

  5. 魏德米勒还赞助了当地一家技术院校的工业信息技术学院,并试图鼓励包括弗劳恩霍夫(Fraunhofer)在内的其他著名机构在当地设立分部。

    Weidm ü ller supports the Institute for Industrial IT at a local technical college and tries to encourage other institutes such as the renowned Fraunhofer to set up in the region .

  6. 以北京工业职业技术学院广场喷泉应用变频技术,将一个手动控制的喷泉改造成自动控制喷泉为例,说明PLC控制器和变频器在喷泉中的应用。

    In this paper , the square fountain of Beijing Polytechnic College , which has been converted into an auto-control fountain by applying the converter technique from a manual control fountain , is an example of showing the applying of the PLC controller and the frequency converter in the fountain .

  7. 北京工业职业技术学院;

    Beijing Vocational and Technical Institute of Industry ; 2 .

  8. 武汉工业职业技术学院

    Wuhan College of industrial technology

  9. 参加本次研究的116个学生来自于云南国防工业职业技术学院光电专业的两个完整的班级。

    The subjects are 116 students from two intact classes of Yunnan Vocational College of National-defense Technology .

  10. 学校田径运动会的现状与发展&对北京工业职业技术学院田径运动会的调研

    Situation and Development of School Sports Meet & A Study on the Sports Meet of Beijing Polytechnic College

  11. 介绍陕西工业职业技术学院机械设计实验室实行开放模式的情况。

    The paper introduces the situation of the open mechanical design lab practiced by Shanxi Industry Vocational College .

  12. 山水学林·人文书苑&兼谈南京工业职业技术学院仙林新校区规划设计

    Constructing Ecological College in the New Era & The Design of Xianlin Campus of Nanjing Industry and Technology College

  13. 介绍了一个基于苏州工业职业技术学院模块化生产实验装置的组态监控系统。

    This paper introduces an configuration monitoring system based on the Modular Production System of Suzhou Institute of Industrial Technology .

  14. 高校开展阳光体育运动的实践与思考&以广西工业职业技术学院为例

    Some Thoughts and Practice about the Sunshine Sports Movement in HEIs & Taking the Exemple by the Guangxi Industrial Vocational Collage

  15. 本文的研究对象是河北工业职业技术学院材料系09级两个不同专业的大一学生。

    The subjects of this study are freshmen in two different majors in Materials Engineering Department in Hebei College of Industry and Technology .

  16. 高职院校学生考试作弊情况的回归分析&以徐州工业职业技术学院为例

    Regress Analysis of the Exams Cheating Situation of Vocational College Students & Take the Xuzhou Institute of Vocational Vocation and Technology as an Example

  17. 来自江西工业职业技术学院英语专业二年级的全体学生参与了调查。

    On the basis of literature review , a survey was conducted in the English department of Jiangxi Industry Polytechnic College , from which all the sophomores participated in the survey .

  18. 该系统目前运行良好,达到了预期的效果和研究的目标,在浙江工业职业技术学院的计算机科目的考试中发挥了较好作用。

    In good functioning , the question bank system has achieved its expectation and goal , playing a good role in the tests of computer courses of Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College .

  19. 总结了山西工业职业技术学院机械厂的实践经验,认为完善价格机制、健全管理制度、减少中间环节是降低采购成本的有效措施

    By summarizing the experiences of the campus mechanical factory of Shanxi Institute of industrial and vocational technology , this article takes the position that the pricing system perfection , management enhancement , and middling-segments reduction are effective resolutions for marking down procurement price

  20. 通过对2006年吉林工业职业技术学院毕业生就业情况的调查,发现其就业形势呈现如下特点:技术类专业学生抢手,文科类专业竞争激烈;非国有企业成为就业主渠道;

    Through investigation on the employment situation of year 2006 graduates of Jilin vocational and technical college of industry , the results show the following characteristics : students of technical specialty are easy to find work , and humanity specialty students face with drastic competition ;

  21. 构筑于山水之间&江西工业工程职业技术学院新校区规划与建筑设计

    The Construction Clings to the Landscape & The Programming and Architectural Design of the New Campus of Jiangxi Vocational Technical College of Industrial Engineering

  22. 在对酒店管理专业社会人才需求进行预测和分析的基础上,安徽工业经济职业技术学院启动了酒店管理专业的2+1教学改革。

    Based on analysis and prediction of talents need of restaurant management specialty in society , Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Industrial Economy has launched " 2 + 1 " teaching reform of restaurant management specialty .

  23. 西北工业大学金叶信息技术学院中心绿地景观设计

    The Landscape Design of Green Area in Gold Leaf Infor-Tech of NW Industrial University