
diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī
  • dot matrix printer
  1. GB/T9314-1995串行击打式点阵打印机通用技术条件

    General specification of serial impact dot matrix printer

  2. 例如,您可能选择激光打印机而不选择点阵打印机。

    For example , you might choose a laser printer instead of a dot matrix printer .

  3. 点阵打印机上高速汉字打印的实现

    The Realization of High Speed Printing of Chinese on General Dot Printer

  4. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。

    A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer .

  5. 通用点阵打印机图形输出软件的设计

    The Design of a General Graphics Plotting Software Package with a Dot Matrix Printer

  6. 用点阵打印机打印彩色图形

    Print Color Image with Point & Matrix Printer

  7. 用点阵打印机输出灰度图像

    Gray-level picture output using dot-matrix printer

  8. 一种带有可编程字符发生器的点阵打印机,允许打印非罗马字符。

    A matrix printer with a programmable character generator ( to permit non - Roman alphabets ) .

  9. 而搬笨重的(却是彩色的)显示器和点阵打印机还要跑两趟。

    The awkward ( but color ! ) monitor and dot matrix printer required two more trips .

  10. 如果那些男女名人的信件是从一台点阵打印机里涌出来的,它们真的能产生和亲笔书信同样的魅力吗?

    Would letters from famous men and women spewed out on a dot-matrix printer have the same fascination as an original holograph ?

  11. 喷墨技术的诞生,给惠普提供了一次非常好的市场机会:用技术领先的喷墨打印机替代当时市场上便宜的串行点阵打印机。

    Inkjet technology offered HP the opportunity to replace the least expensive printer in the market serial dot-matrix printers with products that were superior in every way .

  12. 包括打印汉字库的建立,及测控系统中常用8针点阵打印机打印驱动程序的设计。

    How to produce printing Chinese words bank and design drive program for 8 pin printer is discussed , this kind of printer is of ten used in industrial measurement and control system .

  13. 本文推出一个利用点阵才打印机绘图的软件GRAPH,该软件用IBMPCMSPASCAL语言写成,对硬件的依赖少,易于移植、维护、扩展,可以方便地进行二维和三维绘图,拥有多种功能。

    This paper brings forward a computer graphic software , GRAPH , with the help of which , a dot matrix printer is used to draw graphs . This program is written in IBM-PC MS-PASCAL . It depends less on hardware and is easily transplanted , repaired and extended .

  14. 钢铁产品点阵式打印机字符高度变换研究

    Study on the Change of Character Height in Matrix Printer for Iron and Steel Products

  15. 钢铁产品点阵式打印机是现代钢铁生产线上的重要辅助设备之一,其打印头有双列式(两排交错布置)和单列式两种。

    Matrix printer for iron and steel products is one of the important devices in modern iron and steel production line . Its print head has two styles , which are lined in two or in one .

  16. 点阵针式打印机的两大性能参数分析

    An analysis of two performance parameters on the dot & matrix needle impact printer

  17. 因此,这种新方法使这类未智能化的价格低廉的点阵式微型打印机能够更有效的用于实时控制系统、数据采集处理系统和智能仪表中。

    Therefore , this new method enables the non-intelligent and cheap matrix micro-printers to be used more efficiently in the real-time control system , data-acquisitions and data-processing system as well as intelligent instruments .