
  • 网络preservability;Keeping Quality;permanence;persistence
  1. 哈密顿系统的低维环面的保存性

    Persistence of Lower Dimensional Tori for Hamiltonian Systems

  2. 因此,矿物之间的氧同位素平衡与否,能够对矿物Rb-Sr体系封闭后平衡状态的保存性以及矿物内部等时线定年的有效性予直接制约。

    In this regard , oxygen isotope equilibrium between the minerals provides a direct constraint on the Rb - Sr isotope equilibrium and thus the validity of the mineral isochron .

  3. 它伴随着人类社会的始终,具有自组织性和技术中立性的组织特性以及生态共生性和自我保存性的生态特性,是一个不依人的意志为转移的自组织(self-organization)系统。

    It follows human society from beginning to end , it has the organizational characteristics of self-organization and technical neutrality , and ecological characteristics of ecological symbiosis and self-preservation , it is a self-organization system that does not change according to human minds .

  4. 喷墨打印纸结构及其打印画面保存性研究进展

    Progress in Research on Structure of ink-jet Printing Paper and Preservation Performance of Picture

  5. 自攻自断螺纹钉在大面积缺损牙保存性修复中的应用

    Study of self-threading pins in the preservative restoration of teeth with large area defects

  6. 结论胆道保存性损伤是引起肝移植术后胆道并发症的重要原因。

    Conclusions Biliary injury is an important reason for biliary complications after liver transplantation .

  7. 脂肪的融点关系到肉的保存性,调理性,还有口感。

    Fat liquidus relationship to the meat and the preservation of sex , modulation , rational , and taste .

  8. 同时行喉功能保存性手术14例,吞咽功能良好9例,均为直接缝合修复病例;

    In 9 of 14 cases carried out with preserved laryngeal operation synchronously , deglutitory function is good ( all direct suture rehabilitation ) .

  9. 为了提高保存性功能的膀胱癌根治术的手术效果,自1990年5月至1994年8月,对13例膀胱癌患者进行了保留海绵体神经血管束的根治性膀胱切除术。

    Radical cystectomy with sparing of cavernous neuro-vascular bundle From May . 1992 to Aug. 1994 , nerve sparing radical cystectomy was performed for 13 patients with bladder cancer .

  10. 因为黒猪的脂肪融点很高,不像一般肥肉那样发粘,保存性和调理性也很棒,连肥肉都吃起来很清爽。

    Because black pig fat high melting point , not as fat as tacky , general preservation sex and adjustable rational were good , even the fat is eat up very relaxed .

  11. 晚期成藏的油气资源保存性相对稳定,其资源量至少达7.04×10~8t以上,是海相油气较为现实的勘探目标与对象。

    The later formed oil / gas reservoirs , with relative stable preserving conditions and over 7.04 billion tons of resources , are the practical marine exploration targets and objectives in marine sediments .

  12. 之所以一国会实行上述文化政策措施,第一,基于文化产品与服务的双重属性,不仅具有商品流通性,而且也具有文化保存性。

    The reason why a cultural policy measure could be applied , first of all , it is based on the dual attributes of cultural products having the circulation of commodities and preservation of culture .

  13. 结论:供肝毛细胆管和小叶间胆管上皮细胞的损伤是保存性损伤引起轻度胆汁淤积的主要因素。

    Conclusion : Ischemic injury in donor liver could be caused by warm and cold preservation , and injury of bile canaliculi and interlobular bile ducts might be the major cause of mild cholestasis in liver transplantation .

  14. 现代粘结技术已经广泛应用于口腔医学的各个领域,粘结技术的应用不仅为临床操作提供了便利,而且使修复过程更具保存性,同时也在一定程度上满足了患者日益增长的美容需要。

    Bonding techniques today are widely used in every branches of dentistry . It has not only facilitated the clinical procedures , but also produced more conservative restorative techniques and met in some extent the growing cosmetic needs of patients .

  15. 由此,波兹曼指出要培养一种教育的平衡观,学校既要发挥其保存性功能,又要为学生提供一种批判性思维,这就需要展开对学生的技术教育和媒介教育。

    Postman , therefore , points out that we must train a balance value of education , and school not only should exert its conservation function but also should offer a critical thought . School should carry through the technology education and media education .

  16. 一种新的光谱增感染料溶液的制备方法,其工艺简便,成本低廉,且环保、无污染,有助于改善照相乳剂的保存性,在彩色负片中进行了应用研究

    A new method of preparing the solution of spectral sensitizing dye is introduced It is simple and convenient It can protect the environment against pollution , and improve the preserving properties of the emulsion Its application was carried out in the preparation of the negative color film

  17. 保存安全性编辑器文件。

    Save the security editor file .

  18. 对水样保存特殊性的影响,色谱柱的选择及实验条件进行研究。

    The effect of special treated water sample , the selection and condition of separation column were studied in this assay .

  19. 陈规旧习是保存认知性资源并快速解读的捷径,即使这种资源可能是不准确,不公平且有害的。

    Stereotypes are shortcuts that preserve cognitive resources and enable faster interpretations , albeit ones that may be inaccurate , unfair , and harmful .

  20. 油气聚集保存的时间性和有效性分析&油气有效成藏期及有效成藏组合研究

    Analysis of the timing and effectiveness of hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation

  21. 元数据保存与知识性版权有着密切的联系。

    Relations between metadata preservation and intellectual rights are close .

  22. 添加剂红细胞悬液保存期间炎性细胞因子水平动态观察

    Dynamic Study of Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels in Preservative Red Cells during Storage

  23. 深低温保存角膜穿透性移植治疗角膜溃疡穿孔

    Penetrating keratoplasty with cryopreserved corneas for treatment of corneal ulceration and perforation

  24. 基于最优保存和自适应性的混合遗传算法

    A hybrid genetic algorithm based on optimum maintaining and adaptive genetic algorithm

  25. 第二章从经济属性方面解析数字保存的可持续性。

    Chapter two analyzes the sustainability of digital preservation from the economic property .

  26. 该业务数据必须保存在持久性存储器(例如,一个数据库)中。

    This business data must be preserved in persistent storage ( i.e. , database ) .

  27. 种质资源的收集和保存具有广泛性和长期性,并为培育质量更高的新品种提供了坚实的物质基础。

    Germplasm resources of peach provide a solid material foundation for breeding new varieties of peach .

  28. 该数据本质上是短暂的,没有在磁盘上保存的持久性要求。

    The data is transient by nature , and there is no persistence requirement to keep it on disk .

  29. 但是在临床上不难看出保留自主神经的直肠癌根治术,可较好地保存排尿及性功能。

    But not difficult to see retained in the clinical autonomic rectal cancer can be well preserved urinary and sexual function .

  30. 结论保留植物性神经的直肠癌根治术,在确保根治性原则的同时,可良好地保存排尿及性功能。

    Conclusion For rectal cancer patients , the radical surgery with autonomic nerves preservation ensures the fine the urinary and sexual functions .