
  1. 保持高速旋转,否则发动机会熄火。

    Keep the revs up or the engine will stall .

  2. 主晶粒数目减少。ACRT-B工艺中,影响晶体质量最重要的旋转参数是最大旋转速率,而保持在最大旋转速率的时间和停止时间及反向旋转对结果的影响都很小。

    Relatively the time remaining at the maximum rotation rate , the stoping period and reverso rotation have little influence on the quality of MCT crystals .

  3. 但如果放置之前,它就已经朝某一方向旋转了,它将仍然保持相同方式旋转。

    While , if you put it in there spinning already in some direction , it should continue to spin in the same way .

  4. 这些描述子在相似变换下,能够保持平移、旋转、尺度不变,但在仿射投影变换情况下则不再保持不变性。五点不变量描述子也是一种描述轮廓的方法。

    These descriptors are invariant under translation , rotation , and scale , but variant under affine and projective transformation . Five-point invariant descriptor is a contour presentation method and consists of a series of five-point invariants .

  5. 研究表明,为了保持约束平衡,旋转电子流的轴向速度不能超过临界值。

    It is shown that for confined equilibrium the axial velocities of two rotating electron streams shall not go beyond a threshold .