
  • 网络acousto-optic deflector;AOD;acousto-optical deflector,AOD
  1. 相比于常规的检流计镜扫描,声光偏转器可实现的扫描范围较小,导致双光子显微镜的扫描视场较小,因而限制了对更大神经元网络的研究。

    Compared with the conventional galvanometer scanner , the scanning range of AOD is smaller , which leads to a small field of view ( FOV ) of TPM and therefore limits its applications in large neuronal networks .

  2. 通过数学模型的仿真,证明了声光偏转器在APT系统中的高带宽特性。

    Proved that acousto-optic deflector in the APT system has a high bandwidth through simulation .

  3. TeO2Z&偏振切变波声光偏转器设计

    Designing for Acoustooptic Deflector of the Z polarization Shear Wave in TeO_2

  4. 研究了声光偏转器(AOD)扫描飞秒激光的时间色散效应及补偿方案。

    The temporal dispersion effect and compensation approach of femtosecond laser scanning by an acousto-optical deflector ( AOD ) was studied .

  5. TeO2[110]型声光偏转器的研究

    The Investigation of TeO_2 [ 110 ] Acousto-Optic Deflector

  6. 一种TeO2声光偏转器在射电天文上的应用&使用报告

    Application of An Acousto-Optical TeO_2 Deflector in Radio Astronomy

  7. 分析了声光偏转器(acousto-opticaldeflector,AOD)对飞秒脉冲激光光斑的空间畸变效应。

    The light spot distortion effect of femtosecond laser pulses propagating through an acousto-optical deflector ( AOD ) was analyzed .

  8. 入射光面转动TeO2声光偏转器

    Optically rotated TeO_2 acousto-optic deflector

  9. 宽带TeO2声光偏转器

    Wide Bandwidth TeO_2 Acousto-Optical Deflector

  10. TeO2[110]型声光偏转器是一种较易获得高分辨率的声光器件。

    The TeO2 [ 110 ] acousto-optic deflector is one of the acousto-optic de-vices capable to give higher resolution .

  11. 正常声光偏转器的超声跟踪分析超声跟踪TeO2器件新设计及其性能比较

    Analysis of Ultrasonic Steering in Isotropic Acousto-optic Deflector New Design of Ultrasonic SteeringTeO_2 Devices and Its Performance Comparision with Normal Devices

  12. 声光偏转器扫描飞秒激光的时间色散补偿

    Compensation of temporal dispersion for acousto-optical deflector scanning femtosecond laser

  13. 基于声光偏转器的三维数字成像技术研究

    Research on 3-D Digital Imaging Technique Based on Acousto-optic Deflector

  14. 宽带声光偏转器的设计与试验

    The design and performance of a broadband acousto-optical deflector

  15. 多光束入射拓展声光偏转器带宽的研究

    The study of improving the band-width of an acousto-optic deflector by multiple beam

  16. 采用光纤编码阵列和声光偏转器的电光A/D转换

    Electro-optic A / D Conversion by Optical-fiber-coded-array and Acousto-Optic-Deflector

  17. 声光偏转器的调制传递特性

    Modulation transfer characteristics of an acousto - optic deflector

  18. 采用一级束控的声光偏转器

    Acoustooptic Deflectors Using First Order Beam Steering Transducers

  19. 反常氧化碲声光偏转器控制理论研究

    Control Theory of Abnormal TeO_2 Acousto-optical Deflector

  20. 在总结实验数据的基础上对反常声光偏转器的静态性能进行分析,分析了影响其性能的主要因素。

    On the base of experimental data static performance of abnormal acousto-optic deflector and the main factors affecting it are analysed .

  21. 本文讨论了利用声光偏转器的激光扫描成像系统的原理,光路和电路布局及系统的基本参数。

    In this paper , the principle , the arrangement of optic elements and electronic circuits and the basic parameters of a laser scanning system for image formation using acoustooptic deflector have been described .

  22. 该系统利用两个声光偏转器产生的一级衍射光干涉产生的结构光条纹作为空间载波,对三维物体的高度信息进行编码,得到携带物体高度信息的编码条纹图;

    In this approach , the first-order beams diffracted from two acousto-optic deflectors ( AODs ) with each other to form a spatial carrier that is used to encode the depth information from 3-D object surface .

  23. 在光信号处理的应用中,声光偏转器能够实现对光束快速准确的偏转控制,并且能够抑制噪声和光斑的扩散,有利于后端电信号的处理,改善系统信噪比。

    In the optical signal processing applications , acousto-optic deflector can complete fast and accurate beam deflection , and inhibit noise and spot diffusion . So it is conducive to signal processing in back-end and improvement of SNR .

  24. 以上工作达到了对反常声光偏转器性能测试的目的,为反常声光偏转系统的应用提供了依据,同时也找到了影响反常声光偏转器性能的主要因素及提高其性能的主要方法。

    The purpose of performance of abnormal acousto-optic deflector testing is achieved , providing the basis for the application of abnormal acousto-optic deflector . Also the main factors affecting performance of abnormal acousto-optic deflector and the approach to improve it are found .

  25. 声光偏转器由于其驱动功率小、能量集中、带宽大、实时性好等突出特点,被广泛应用于激光扫描、雷达、光探测等众多领域,并取得了前所未有的成果。

    Because acousto-optic deflector has low power , concentrated energy , wide bandwidth , good real-time and so on , it is widely used in many fields , such as laser scanning , radar and laser detection , and achieves unprecedented result .

  26. 制导波宽带声光Bragg偏转器及其在光通讯和RF信息处理中的应用

    A Guided-Wave Wide-Band Acoustooptic Bragg Deflector and its Applications for Optical Communications and RF Signal Processing

  27. 声光调制器和偏转器的设计方法讨论

    Discussion of Design Methods for Acoustooptic Modulator and Acoustooptic Deflector

  28. 本文根据输入扫描和输出扫描的要求,探讨声光调制器和声光偏转器的设计方法。

    According to requirement of input scanning and output scanning , the design methods of acoustooptic modulator and acoustooptic deflector are researched in this paper .

  29. 伪随机码测距系统的双环路相关装置与浮动门限判决法用于声光相关/卷积器的双向声光偏转器

    CORRELATOR WITH TWO PHASE LOCK LOOPS AND DETECTION METHOD FOR SETTING FLOAT THRESHOLD A two-way Acousto-optic Deflector for Acoust-optic Correlator / Convolver System

  30. 用于毫米波声光射电频谱分析的高分辨率TeO2声光偏转器

    High Resolution TeO_2 Acousto-Optic Deflector ( AOD ) for mm-Wave Radio Spectrometer