
  • 网络Acoustic emission instrument;AE detector,acoustic emission detector
  1. 实验内容是:声发射仪检测带环向穿透裂纹管塑性变形,直至断裂的过程。接下来,用Matlab编程算出结果。

    The experiment content is the acoustic emission instrument detects the process of the pipes ' plastic deformation until their rupture ; then the results can be obtained with Matlab programs .

  2. 结论用瞬态诱发性耳声发射仪进行新生儿听力筛查的最佳时间为生后72h。

    Conclusion The best time to perform hearing screening for newborns with transiently evoked otoacoustic emission was at 72 h after birth .

  3. 足月新生儿Capella耳声发射仪回声检测模式听力筛查特征

    Characteristics of newborn hearing screening by TEOAE echo-screen model of Capella otoacoustic emission instrument

  4. 方法应用丹麦耳声发射仪(TEOAE)对HIE患儿和正常儿出生后42d内进行听力筛查。

    Methods Hearing Screening with transient evoked otoacoustic emission ( TEOAE ) was conducted among 70 HIE neonates and 50 normal neonates within 42 days after birth .

  5. 研究了PZT陶瓷在力电耦合条件下的断裂行为,探讨了直流电场和交流电场对断裂行为的影响,并结合声发射仪分析了PZT陶瓷的断裂过程中的微结构变化。

    The fracture behavior of PZT ceramics were studied under electromechanical coupling field . The DC field and AC field effects on fracture were discussed . Acoustic emission was used to analyze the micro-structure changes in the process of fracture .

  6. 用YSS声发射仪对采场四周的顶底柱进行声发射监测。

    The acoustic emission monitoring of the roof and floor pillars surrounding the stopes was done with YSS acoustic emis-sion meter .

  7. 于肌注药物3和7d后采用耳声发射仪进行测试,对1,2,4,6kHz的畸变产物耳声发射幅值进行比较分析。

    DPOAE was monitored to observe the amplitude , and analyzed the change of amplitude of DPOAE at the frequencies of 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 kHz among 3 groups 3 and 7 days after injection .

  8. 方法用MadsenCelesta503耳声发射仪对317例(634耳)正常农村小学1~6年级学生进行听力筛查,并用耳镜、纯音测听和鼓室导抗图系列检查作为金标准,验证其结果。

    Methods TEOAE was recorded with Madsen Celesta 503 in 317 ( 634 ears ) primary school children , then the results were compared with gold standard test group , including otoscopy , pure tone audiometry and tympanogram .

  9. 方法:本研究采用设置了理想的参数方案的耳声发射仪对听力损害亚临床症状期的2型糖尿病患者和对照组进行畸变产物耳声发射幅值检测。

    Method : To search amplitude of distortion product otoacoustic emissions of subclinical diabetic group and control group by otoacoustic emissions instrument which was set up by idal parameter protocol .

  10. 本文介绍了一种自制的声发射仪线路原理,并应用它对室内外各种岩石力学试验,模型试验和材料试验中的声发射现象进行了初步测试和探讨。

    This paper presents the principle of the circuit of an acoustic-emitter by use of which preliminary testing approaching have been made to various experiments for rock models and the phenomenon of acoustic emission ia material testing .

  11. 该仪器采用快速A/D转换芯片及DSP芯片、FPGA技术,有别于模拟式声发射检测仪。

    The detector adopted A / D switch chip , DSP chip and FPGA technology , which is different from analog detector .

  12. SF-1型岩石声发射测试仪

    Rock acoustic emission meter SF-1 model

  13. JSZ-1型机械故障声发射诊断仪的研制

    Development of Type JSZ-1 Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Instrument by Using Acoustic Emission

  14. 声发射检漏仪在阀门密封性检验中的应用

    Application of acoustic emission leak detector in inspection of valve tightness

  15. AEC-1声发射接触仪在外圆磨削中的应用研究

    Application of AEC & 1 Acoustic Emission Detector in Cylindrical Grinding

  16. 智能双通道金属声发射测试仪的研制

    Development of the auto monitoring system of double-channel metal acoustic emission

  17. 数字式声发射检测仪的设计

    Design of Digital Detector of Sound Emission

  18. 论述了JSZ-1型机械故障声发射诊断仪的研制和该仪器的声发射原理及其用8098单片机实现该原理的方法。

    This paper describes the acoustic emission principle of the instrument and the way to realize the principle by using 8098 single-chip microprocessor .

  19. 集成化处理平台的研究为我国第一台全波形数字化声发射检测仪的研制成功奠定了坚实的基础。

    The research work of the integrated platform for acoustic emission signal processing established the stable basis of successful development of the first waveform digital acoustic emission instrumentation in China .

  20. 贫氧推进剂声发射燃速仪的研制GAP贫氧推进剂热分解特性与燃速相关性研究

    Correlation between Thermal Decomposition Characteristics and Burning Rate of GAP Fuel-Rich Propellants

  21. 方法:应用耳声发射听力筛查仪AUDX,DPOAE法对3770例新生儿进行听力测定,连续监测筛查结果异常者,最后做脑干听觉诱发电位(ABR)确诊。

    Methods : 3,770 newborns were screened by DPOAE and the newborns with abnormal result were continuously monitored . The final diagnosis was made by auditory brainstem response ( ABR ) .

  22. 基于声发射的智能声波仪的设计与研究

    Study and Design of an Intelligent Acoustic-waves-monitor Based on Acoustic Emission

  23. 在进行声发射信号采集前,通过八个传感器反对称分布的空间定位以及对声发射仪检测参数的合理设置滤除绝大部分干扰噪声,确保了采集到的声发射信号的真实性、合理性和可靠性。

    The space location of eight sensors by the method of antisymmetric distribution and reasonable settings of acoustic emission testing parameters could remove the most of the interference noise , and ensure the acoustic emission signals authenticity , rationality and reliability .

  24. 通过研究贫氧推进剂的燃烧特性,主要是燃烧声信号的频带特性和不稳定特性,采用弱信号检测电路,并结合计算机技术,研制了用于贫氧推进剂燃速测试的新型声发射燃速仪。

    On the basis of study on the burning characteristics of oxygen-poor fuel-rich propellant , such as frequency band and unsta-bility of burning acoustic signal , adopting the weak-signal testing circuit and computer , a new acoustic emission instrument for measuring burning rate of oxygen-poor fuel-rich propellant was developed .