
dián huǒ shì yàn
  • Ignition test;trial fire
  1. 该燃烧模拟结果与等离子燃烧器在某600MW机组现场应用以及在等离子热态试验台点火试验的结果基本吻合。

    Simulation results basically agree with observations made on a 600 MW unit and those of ignition tests performed on a hot plasma test rig .

  2. 其次,程控点火试验验证可行后,对FSSS监控系统PLC控制方案进行了初步设计,并针对监控系统的各项功能进行了逻辑设计。

    Then all of the designs and results were verified in experiments . Secondly , after testifying the feasibility of ignition testing made by program control , it makes the preliminary design of FSSS controlled by PLC and designs the logic function of each part .

  3. 进行了过氧化氢/煤油双组元火药点火试验;

    The powder ignition tests for hydrogen peroxide / kerosene were conducted .

  4. 汽油机高能点火试验装置的研究开发

    Study and Development of High Energy Ignition Testing Equipment of Gasoline Engine

  5. 循环流化床锅炉油枪点火试验分析

    Experimental analysis of oil gun ignition for CFB boiler

  6. 试车台点火试验火箭她目送着火车离开站台。

    Tie-down firing She looked after the train as it left the station .

  7. 大后翼与主流相互作用的模拟点火试验

    Simulated ignition test of the interaction between large rear fin and main stream

  8. 蒸发管供油的单驻涡燃烧室贫油点火试验

    Ignition performance of a single trapped vortex combustor with evaporation tube as fuel supply

  9. 单项点火试验在小型固体发动机点火设计中的应用

    Application of Single Ignition Test to the Igniter Design of Small Solid Rocket Motor

  10. 固体火箭发动机点火试验测试系统设计

    Design of Solid Rocket Motor Ignition Test System

  11. 大长细比小型固体发动机后点火试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Aft End Ignition for High Slenderness Ratio and Small Size Solid Motor

  12. 并用地面试验台搭建了发动机推力测量系统,进行了点火试验。

    A ground test stand is set up with the engine thrust measurement system for the ignition test .

  13. 通过野外点火试验测定了各可燃物类型的初始引燃含水率。

    Based on the field ignition experiment , the initial ignition moisture of different fuel type was obtained .

  14. 点火试验证明该装置点火功能确切可靠,精度高。

    The ignition test proved that the igniting function of the device is definitely reliable with high accuracy .

  15. 简要总结了循环流化床锅炉床面油枪动态点火试验运行情况。

    The test operation result of dynamic ignition of CFB bed surface by oil gun was summarized briefly .

  16. 最后完成了基于快速原型控制系统的发动机点火试验,对试验结果进行了分析说明。

    Finally , engine ignition experiment based on rapid prototype control system is introduced , and experiment results are analyzed .

  17. 某固体火箭发动机在我国南方和北方的普通地面库房贮存7~9年后,地面点火试验工作正常,性能稳定。

    The results of static firing test of solid rocket engine in storage for seven to nine years have been described .

  18. 该文所用方法对于燃气舵的气动设计、辅助发动机点火试验具有指导意义。

    Results show that the method is useful for the aerodynamics design of jet vane and ignition experiments of the aided engine .

  19. 计算结果与六分力点火试验数据进行了对比,为型号研制中关键技术研究的突破奠定了基础。

    Combining with the experiment result , we examine the calculation , and call up the foundation research for the breakthrough of key technology .

  20. 通过大量发动机启动点火试验筛选,在配方中添加了适当的改性组分,解决了乙醇汽油冷启动点火困难的问题。

    According to a lot of tests , in the formula of adding the appropriate modified components to solve cold start ethanol gasoline ignition problems .

  21. 进行了点火试验研究,探讨了助燃风量、雾化气压力、喷油量、燃油粘度及炉膛温度等因素对气动旋流喷嘴点火特性的影响。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of fires in the underground buildings and raises some measures against them based on the fire cases and experiment data .

  22. 研究结果表明,基于单项点火试验所做的设计改进,解决了发动机研制初期遇到的点火延迟、低温点火失效等问题。

    The research indicated that the design modification had been utilized to solve the ignition delay , the ignition failure under low temperature etc ever occurred in the initial design completely .

  23. 点火试验的在2008年5月29日的波罗地发生了和,假设证据到目前为止水下的发射序列,仅测试从浅水池,可以从一艘被淹没的潜水艇被复制。

    The test firing took place in the Baltic on29 May2008 and provided evidence that the underwater launch sequence , so far tested only from shallow basins , can be replicated from a submerged submarine .

  24. 固体二元推进剂和单元推进剂的点火试验结果是很相近的。在室温下将药柱放置6天后,推进剂呈现膨胀和气孔。

    The comparison between the solid bipropellant firing results and the monopropellant firing results appears to be quite good . Swelling and porosity of the propellant mixture became evident after 6 days at ambient temperature .

  25. 通过地面低温点火试验、半实物仿真和靶场飞行试验等方法进行验证,故障排除过程中所采取的措施有效,并应用于实际生产过程,取得了很好的效果。

    Through the low temperature lighted testing on the ground , semi physical simulation and flight test in the shooting ground verified that the measures took in the course of the faulty location was effective , and make a good result in the actual producing action .

  26. 通过激光点火性能试验和差热分析(DTA),对点火药剂B/KNO3在长贮过程中性能的变化进行了研究。

    The changes in performance of B / KNO3 were studied by detecting the laser ignition performance and DTA .

  27. 通过激光点火性能试验、电镜扫描分析(EMS)、差热分析(DTA)研究了激光与B/KNO3点火药相互作用过程中药剂表面的烧蚀情况,以及溅射物质在激光点火中所起的作用。

    The ablation of ignition powder ( B / KNO3 ) which was irradiated with laser , and the effect of sputter matter in laser ignition process were studied through detecting the laser ignition performance , and by means of EMS , DTA .

  28. 激光多点点火技术试验研究

    The research on technology of laser multi point ignition for gun

  29. 碳氢燃料超燃冲压发动机点火技术试验

    Experimental investigation of ignition technology in liquid hydrocarbon fueled scramjet combustor

  30. 摩托车发动机最佳点火角试验仪设计

    Design of apparatus of the best ignition angle for motorcycle engine