
chàng piào
  • call out the names of those voted for while counting ballot-slips;call out the names while counting ballot-slips
唱票 [chàng piào]
  • [call out the names while counting bollot-slips] 选举投票后,统计候选人票数时大声念选票上的名字

唱票[chàng piào]
  1. 一旦唱票,清票完毕,结果会被大声宣读公布。

    Once all the votes are cast , the ballots are tallied , and the results are read aloud .

  2. 1876年,海斯与塞缪尔·蒂尔登进行了一场美国历史上实力最为接近的选举。这场唱票之争意味着如果所有的争议投票归海斯所有,那么他将获胜;

    In 1876 , Hayes ran against Samuel J. Tilden in the closest election race in U.S. history . Disputes over the vote counting meant that if all the disputed votes went to Hayes , he would win ;

  3. 在唱票表决时,投票者按下电钮,切换到“是”或“否”的位置,机器将通过电脉冲记录并将结果转到化学处理过的纸张上,从而将每张选票打印出来。

    When placing a vote , the legislators would move a switch to a " yes " or " no " position which would then record via electric impulse and transfer to a chemically treated paper providing a printout of each vote cast .