- pursue;follow;observance

(1) [pursue;follow] 履行
(2) 执行
部中老胥,家藏伪章,文书下行直省,多潜易之,增减要语,奉行者莫辨也。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》
They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord .
For the eurozone to pursue such a policy , while asking outsiders to increase their finance of its members in difficulty , via additional resources for the International Monetary Fund , would add insult to injury .
She had a leading role in shaping party policy .
Do you still practise your religion ?
He continued to urge the Conservative Party to tilt rightwards
She has some old-fashioned values and can be a strict disciplinarian .
The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle .
Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services .
India has remained true to democracy
We have always pursued a friendly policy towards the Japanese people .
This is a policy we have pursued consistently .
The country has always pursued a policy of peace .
Metro is a high-profile new retail concept imported from the US , aiming to provide better service than our incumbent High Street banks .
In a thinly veiled admonishment , the White House recently accused the UK – our closest ally – of a policy of constant accommodation towards China .
The FB Series Component type has pursued flatness and thinness .
A lean operation even in flush times , Toyota has been looking for ways to cut expenses further amid sharp falls in demand in its major markets .
Under the guidance of the principle of gradual liberalization in the WTO , as an important part of international service trade , shipping service also is heading for liberalization .
By espousing a philosophy of " convention over configuration " and agile development principles , Rails can radically reduce development time and effort involved in creating Web applications .
For years , Apple has hewed to a studiously hands-off lobbying strategy , flowing from co-founder and longtime CEO Steve Jobs ' aversion to tangling with the policymaking process .
If adopted , the idea would break with the last 74 years of SEC policy towards US investor protection , forged in the post-Wall Street crash years of the 1930s .
Recently , perhaps jealous of the high ratings , perhaps simply carrying out orders from above , CCTV held a forum that criticized the show for debasing Chinese culture .
Under the circumstances that China joined into WTO and the whole nation carry out sustainable development strategy , the corporation operation and extension increasingly depend on the strategic management itself , this paper points out the importance of market feasibility study and law feasibility study ;
Mohamed El-Erian is absolutely right to warn of the dangers to the eurozone associated with the easy monetary policies pursued elsewhere in the world .
The challenge to the multilateral system established by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman comes not from a unilateralist president in the White House , but from new great powers unwilling to accept an order designed by the West .
This could prompt chief executives to hold off on their largest and boldest acquisition plans , returning to the risk-averse stance they took in 2002 and 2003 , after the collapses of Enron and WorldCom .
It is pursuing a hybrid strategy , offering its customers everything from cinema ticket sales to download-to-own films .
This has long been a theme for the famed technology company : Find a product that people don 't think is all that flawed ( early MP3 players ) and replace it with a product so captivating ( iPod ) that they forget whatever came before it .
Since Korea has long time pursued the " trading nation " strategy , only through more active promotion on FTA would they occupy more market share in the world , ease their energy crisis , expand the regional influence , improve their industrial structure and promote sustainable economic development .
The site launched with hardly any features in order to be as simple as possible . That gives Ello the option of charging for each new feature it introduces .
And thirdly , it adopts a highly flexible cooperation principle ;