
fèng péi dào dǐ
  • keep sb. company to the end;keep sb. company and fight to the finish;take on sb. to the end;take sb. on right to very end
奉陪到底[fèng péi dào dǐ]
  1. 他们要打,我们就奉陪到底。

    If they want to attack us , we 'll take them on and fight to the finish .

  2. 那我也就跟它奉陪到底。

    Then I will stay down with him forever .

  3. 那你就省省吧。我们是要奉陪到底的。

    I could have saved you the trip . 'Cause we 're seeing this thing through .

  4. 对于政治对手,他更愿意“奉陪到底”,不论是工会还是工党。

    He is more inclined to belligerence towards political opponents , whether they be trade unions or the Labour Party .