
  • 网络the theory of singing
  1. 《唱论》出现的社会环境与历史原因

    On the Historical Cause and Social Circumstance about Appearance of The Theory of Singing

  2. 明清唱论的现实性意义研究

    Research on Contemporary Significance of Singing Theory in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  3. 传统唱论中的润腔

    The Embellished Expression in the Traditional Singing Theory

  4. 试析《唱论》在我国音乐史上的地位

    The Analysis of the Place of " On Singing " in Musical History in China

  5. 歌唱不足故‘叫喊’之&戏曲唱论七题

    Not Sing Enough and Then " Shout " - Seven serial studies on opera singing

  6. 中国自春秋战国起,就对歌唱理论十分重视,历代都有唱论问诸于世。

    Since period of the Warring States , much emphasis on singing theory has been placed .

  7. 《唱论》释义

    Explanation to Sing Theories

  8. 本文以中国传统唱论作为研究对象,运用逻辑与历史相一致的方法和原则,从纵横两个方面对中国传统唱论的生成背景、历史发展、内涵及其现实价值进行了初步的研究。

    This thesis mainly observes the history , connotation and practical significance of traditional Chinese vocal music theory .

  9. 王骥德《曲律》是从古代唱论、曲论向剧论过渡的一部重要著作,提出了许多声乐演唱审美理念。

    Wang Jide 's Qu-lti is an important work which discusses theories ranging from singing , operatic music to drama .

  10. 对古代唱论进行梳理、研究,有利于现代学习民族唱法的人们学习、借鉴。

    This article makes an introduction on several singing theories in ancient ages , in hope to be contributive to national singing methods .

  11. 本文对《唱论》拟从五个方面加以论析,从而进一步肯定它在我国音乐史上的地位及作用。

    The paper analyses " On Singing " from five aspects , and is further sure of its place and function in musical history of our country .

  12. 其后随着元代燕南芝庵《唱论》的出现,歌唱理论有了较大的发展,而有关声乐表演的论述也就愈加详细而系统化了。

    It was the Theory of Singing by Yan Nanzhi ' an in Yuan Dynasty that represented the development of singing and systemization of relating vocal music performance .

  13. 《唱论》中关于歌唱理论问题的论述涉及面广,也很切合当时的演唱实际。

    《 Sing the theory 》 medium concerning sing the theories problem of treatise involve a wide , also suit very much to sing on stage at that time physically .

  14. 她的产生以唐、宋、元代声乐艺术的发展变化为背景,分析《唱论》在元代产生的历史必然性,可以了解我国民族民间歌唱艺术的发展轨迹。

    This article , based on the development of vocal art in Tang , Song and Yuan dynasty , analyzes the necessity of The Theory of Singing finished in Yuan dynasty .