
gōng àn
  • Public case;desk;a complicated legal case
公案 [gōng àn]
  • (1) [desk ]∶指官吏审理案件时用的桌子

  • 令人排好公案,预备人犯来时在神前审讯。--沈从文《新与旧》

  • (2) [a complicated legal case]∶官府处理的案牍。后来指疑难案件,泛指有纠纷或离奇的事情

  • 今来公案,见在户部,可以取索案验。--宋. 苏轼《辨黄庆基弹劾剳印子》

  • 府尹也巴不得了结这段公案。--《京本通俗小说.错斩崔宁》

公案[gōng àn]
  1. 第三部分论及公案小说的创作。

    The third section comments on the creation of Court-Case Novels .

  2. 但一些专家称,有关鱼油的这段公案仍未了结。

    But some experts say the case for fish oil remains open .

  3. 李先芳与后七子公案辨诬

    On the Relations between Li Xianfang and Hou Qi Zi

  4. 论普通话与简化字的学理依据&兼论学术史上几桩重要公案

    On the Theoretical Basis of Common Spoken Chinese and the Simplified Characters

  5. 明代白话公案小说研究

    A Study on Fictions about Legal Cases in Ming Dynasty

  6. 这桩公案目前最好不要对簿公堂。

    Wisest not to try the case in the courts at present .

  7. 从明清公案小说看小说模式的发展演变

    The Model Development from the Legal-case Stories of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  8. 禅宗公案用动作模仿前辈禅师的言行范例,极类戏剧的角色扮演;

    Imitating the masters in patriarchal examples of Zen is also parallel to role play .

  9. 中国电影史上一桩罕见的撞车公案

    An Unusual Coincidence in Chinese Film History

  10. 从元杂剧包公戏谈公案剧对公案文学的发展

    Studies the Yuan Dynasty Play from Baogong Flay to the Involved Legal Matter Literature Development

  11. 元杂剧公案戏在中国戏曲史上占有重要的地位。

    Yuan detective drama in China occupies an important position in the history of opera .

  12. 清代侠义公案小说的划分有宽、窄两个不同的标准。

    Detective novels of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous of a wide , narrow two different standards .

  13. 公案戏杂谈&以关汉卿的《蝴蝶梦》为例

    Random Talk about Complicated Legal Cases & Taking Butterfly Dream by Guan Han-qing as an example

  14. 元杂剧公案剧是公案文学发展的一个转捩点。

    Gongan drama in Yuan dynasty is the first peak in the development of gongan literature .

  15. 论《红楼梦》公案描写的价值

    On the Values of the Delineation of the Legal Cases in Dreams in the Red Mansions

  16. “魅力”是关汉卿公案剧盛传不衰的主要原因。

    The " charm " is the widely known cause for Guan Hanqing s Gongan dramas .

  17. 民间视角向精英视角的游移&重谈元曲公案戏

    Shifting from Folk Angle to Elite Angle & Again on Legal Case Drama of Yuan Verse

  18. 代表侠义公案小说最高成就的就是《三侠五义》。

    The representation of their highest achievement was the novel " San Xia Wu Yi " .

  19. 《诗经》学史上两大公案发覆

    The Rediscovery on the Two Intricate Cases in the Study History of The Book of Songs

  20. 本章从戏剧结构设计出发,探讨了公案戏故事结构的特点。

    From the dramatic design of this chapter discusses the characteristics of detective drama story structure .

  21. 古代公案小说辨异

    Discrimination of Chinese Ancient Detective Stories

  22. 中国公案小说与西方侦探小说之比较

    A Comparison of " Case Story " in China and " Detective Story " in West

  23. 公案小说来源于法家类“珥笔书”,是晚明文化普及浪潮的产物。

    They came from the " legalist notes ", being a product of the popular meta-culture .

  24. 《水浒传》对后代公案侠义小说创作的影响。

    Third , " Shui Hu Zhuan " to descendant involved legal matter chivalry novel creation influence .

  25. 试论《水浒传》对公案小说的传承与发展

    On " The Water Margin " on the Legal Case of the Inheritance and Development of Novel

  26. 此章着力对公案戏的舞台表演艺术形式做一番系统的探讨。

    This chapter focused on the detective drama stage performing art forms do explore some of the system .

  27. 同样,清代侠义公案小说亦深受道家思想和佛家思想的影响。

    Similarly , the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels are deeply Taoism and Buddhism thinking of the impact .

  28. 同时公案戏采用宾白和曲词叙事,体现出了戏曲文学叙事的特点。

    Meanwhile detective drama spoken parts and lyrics using narrative , reflecting the characteristics of literary narrative drama .

  29. 清代白话公案小说大量表现鬼神因素目的初探

    Seek after the Purposes of the Elements of Gods and Ghosts in the Vernacular Detective Novels of Qing Dynasty

  30. 第四部分:野玫瑰之争是现代文学史上一出著名公案。

    Part Four : The controversy around " The Wild Rose " is a famous case in contemporary literature .