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  1. 发怒的日子,资财无益;惟有公义能救人脱离死亡。

    Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath , but righteousness delivers from death .

  2. 《国务卿女士》中有一些精彩时刻,但是它的女主人公要是能稍微坏一点就更好了。

    Madam Secretary has some good moments , but it would be better if its heroine were just a little bit worse .

  3. 公混血儿能在这二种极端之间的任何地方成熟而且可能或不可能展现RLU。

    Male hybrids can mature anywhere between these two extremes and may or may not exhibit RLU .

  4. 不义之财,毫无益处。惟有公义,能救人脱离死亡。

    Wealth which comes from sin is of no profit , but righteousness gives salvation from death .

  5. 公匙基建能助我们确认对方的身分,因而得到保障。

    PKI can help us verify the identity of the other person , making us feel more secure .

  6. 能量公设与自由能判据的普遍化形式

    The energy postulate and general form of the free energy criterion

  7. 你的过恶,或能害你这类的人。你的公义,或能叫世人得益处。

    Thy wickedness may hurt a man as thou art ; and thy righteousness may profit the son of man .

  8. 汪公在徽州既能成为地域之神,在祭祀圈的地域范围内为里社所祭祀;

    On the one hand , Lord Wang was worshiped as a local deity within the regional sphere of the sacrificial circle ;

  9. 因此,一些明显表现出对女性不公的广告仍然能被接受,其根源就是在受众潜意识中有着相对应的原型存在。

    Therefore , some advertisement can be accepted which is unfair to women still be accepted because the corresponding prototypes exist in the unconsciousness of the audience .

  10. 艾滋病教育是全球各国用来预防艾滋病最有效的公器,它能传播健康的生活知识。

    The AIDS education , bringing forth knowledge of healthy life to people , is considered as the most effective measure to prevent AIDS in all countries .

  11. 而库珀则演绎出剧中男主人公努力说服自己能获得幸福,却心存阴暗面的那份疯狂。

    As for Cooper , there 's a manic side to his portrayal of a character who strives to convince himself of his capacity for happiness but also has a dark side .

  12. 本文中所讨论的大型公共建筑能耗监测系统,目的是建立大型公建的终端能耗信息统计平台;通过分析大型公建用能特点,为节能政策的制定与节能措施的实施提供强有力的科学依据。

    The energy consumption monitoring system for large public building described in this article , is designed to build a large statistics platform for terminal energy consumption in a building .

  13. 替你的公会旗帜升级来获得特殊能力并插在战场上使你的公会成员能直接传送到该处!

    Upgrade your banner to grant your guild special abilities and plant it on the field of battle so your fellow guild members can teleport directly to it !