
  • 网络Public Service Platform
  1. RFID公共服务平台行业数据交换技术的研究

    Research on Industry Data Exchange Technology Based on RFID Public Service Platform

  2. 工作流技术在ASP公共服务平台中的应用研究

    Application of Workflow Technology on ASP Public Service Platform

  3. 绍兴轻纺ASP公共服务平台的采购服务研究与开发

    Research and Development of Procurement Service on Shaoxing Textile ASP Common Service Platform

  4. 开放RFID公共服务平台的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Open RFID Public Service Platform

  5. 研发公共服务平台是通过Internet整合集成研发资源,提供技术相关服务,促进科技资源高效配置和共享的平台。

    R D Public Service Platform is the platform via internet to integrate R D resource , to offer technical related service , to promote effective allocation and share .

  6. 设计了一种LBS公共服务平台结构。

    Designed a LBS public service platform architecture for public participation .

  7. CA不仅是传统的电子身份认证机构,而且是集信息流、资金流、物流和信用安全认证为一体的第三方社会公共服务平台。

    CA is not only the traditional electronic authentication institutions , but also the public service platform which sets the information flow , capital flow , logistics and security certification .

  8. 另外一个亮点是,在构建公共服务平台系统原型时使用了WEBService统一的接口,一旦公共服务平台系统中部分模块的服务发生改变,不需要改变或者只需要很小的变动即可正常运行。

    Another spot is that , the system of the public service platform of geographic information uses a unitive Web API , when several functional modules change , there need only little or no change to run the application program .

  9. 第六章根据前几章对绍兴轻纺ASP公共服务平台上的采购服务的研究,进行了原型系统的开发,并给出了相应的运行实例。

    Chapter 6 gives some running examples of the procurement service on ASP common service platform in Shaoxing textile region according to the prior research and design .

  10. 制造业信息化ASP公共服务平台是共享信息化技术服务资源,降低广大中小企业信息化成本的一种有效的技术解决方案[1];

    The ASP public service platform in informationization of manufacturing is an effective solution for small and medium-sized enterprises to share resource of informationization technical service and reduce informationization cost .

  11. 最后以面向防伪和追溯应用的RFID公共服务平台为实际应用场景,将RFID公共服务平台安全框架应用于其中,证明了所设计的安全解决方案的可行性和实用性。

    Finally , we apply RFID public service systems in practical application scenarios based on the alcohol anti-counterfeiting and traceability , and prove the feasibility and practicability of the security solution that we design .

  12. 借鉴国家药品监管体系,以及烟草监管追溯体系的管理和运作经验,利用基于EPC的RFID公共服务平台,设计并开发基于RFID技术的化妆品监管与防伪追溯服务系统。

    Benefit from the experiences of drug regulation system and tobacco traceability system , and based on the RFID public service platform , we develop the supervision and anti-counterfeiting traceability system for cosmetics .

  13. 中小汽配企业为求得生存与发展,不仅要提高企业的制造技术水平,还要充分利用信息技术来增强企业竞争力。目前情况下,ASP公共服务平台,是提升中小企业整体竞争力的重要渠道和依托。

    In order to survive and develop in the cruel world , the enterprises need to not only improve their manufacturing technology , but also take full advantage of the information technology to enhance their competitive capability .

  14. 该服务管理平台的实现,不仅为生殖健康公共服务平台中的所有服务组件提供管理工具,也为其他基于SOA架构的系统提供通用的管理平台。

    The achieve of the service management platform , not only provide management tools for all the service components in reproductive health public service platform , but also provides a common management platform for other systems based on SOA architecture .

  15. 第二章深入分析了绍兴轻纺区域的中小企业对于ASP公共服务平台和基于ASP平台的采购管理系统的需求;

    Then the objective of the thesis is pointed out , and the research frame is presented . Chapter 2 comprehensively analyzes the requirements for the ASP common service platform and procurement service on the ASP platform in the Shaoxing textile region .

  16. 就一般而言,强化政府的职能转型、发展NPO等民间力量和搭建新型公共服务平台促进高水平合作的生成,是实现突破的关键。

    Generally , the key of the breakthrough is to generate high level cooperation by strengthening government functions transition , cultivating NPO and other non-governmental forces and building a new public service platform .

  17. 在基于ESB服务模式的基础上,对软件外包公共服务平台的运营机理和服务能力进行了分析,由专门成立的江苏虚拟软件园股份有限公司承担平台建设和运营。

    On the basis of ESB service mode , it analyzes operating mechanism and service ability of software outsourcing public service platform , its construction and operation shall be undertaken by Jiangsu Virtual Software Group Co. , Ltd which is specially established .

  18. 作为第三方服务公司的汽车产业链ASP公共服务平台,是中、小汽车企业发展电子商务,提高运作效率,以及促进信息化经营的最佳选择。

    ASP Common Service Platform for automobile industry chain , provided by the third party service company , is the best choice to the small and medium-sized automobile enterprises , in order to develop the electronic business and improve operation efficiency , as well as to promotion informationization management .

  19. 地理信息公共服务平台地理实体数据建模研究

    Research on Entity-based Data Modeling for National Geo-spatial Information Service Platform

  20. 地理信息公共服务平台的用户分类及服务分类

    Categorization of Users and Services in Geographic Information Public Service Platform

  21. 武汉市地理信息公共服务平台建设初步设想

    Primary Ideas on Wuhan Geographical Information Common Serving Platform Construction

  22. 水产动物疾病诊断、监控、预报公共服务平台构建

    Constructing Aquatic Animal Disease Diagnosing , Inspecting , Predicting Public Service System

  23. 论城市地理信息公共服务平台建设中的若干问题

    Discussion on The Construction of Urban GIS Public Service Platform

  24. 基于数字教育公共服务平台的学习模式研究

    Research on Learning Mode Based on Public Service Platform for Lifelong Education

  25. 上海高性能计算公共服务平台

    The Public Service Platform of High-Performance Computation in Shanghai

  26. 地理信息公共服务平台建设与现代测绘服务模式

    Geographic Information Public Service Platform and the Responsibility of Modern Surveying and Mapping

  27. 科技公共服务平台的推广策略

    The Popularizing Tactics of the Public Sci-tech Service Platform

  28. 世界各国都纷纷加强科技公共服务平台建设。

    All countries have constructed technological public service platform .

  29. 高校大型精密仪器公共服务平台的建设与管理工作探析

    Discussion of the construction and management mechanism on the public platform of advanced instruments

  30. 第二章,对研发公共服务平台的定位及功能进行分析。

    The second part analyses the function orientation and function innovation of the platform .