
gōng shēng
  • litre
公升 [gōng shēng]
  • [litre] 容量单位,升的旧称

公升[gōng shēng]
  1. 五料理酒?每公升徵收新台币二十二元。

    Cooking alcoholic beverages : NT $ 22 per litre .

  2. 你的汽车每公升跑几公里?

    How much does your car do to the litre ?

  3. 这个系统一天可以将高于600公升的盐水去盐。

    The system can desalinate up to 600 liters of brackish water a day .

  4. 今年的汽车X奖侧重于开发每加仑汽油能跑100英里或每公升汽油能开43公里的汽车。

    The Automotive X Prize is focused on developing a vehicle that can get100 miles per gallon , or43 kilometers per liter .

  5. 公司主营3毫升至30公升各种规格PET、PP、PC两步法全自动吹瓶机、模具及配套辅助设备。

    Our focus is3ML-30L PET , PP and PC Two-Step auto bottle blowing machine , moulds as well as other auxiliary equipment , with various specifications .

  6. 如,进行了通过利用一个五烧杯(一公升每个)系列的JAR测试实验,对操作条件如PH值,剂量需要和去除效率进行了研究。

    The operation conditions such as pH , dose required and removal efficiency were studied by the jar test experiments which were performed using a series of five beakers ( 1L each ) .

  7. 为此公司安装了一个细小的3.5公升的RR引擎而且增加了许多的运动元素。

    Aborting this concept as The Depression deepened , the company installed a slightly hopped-up 3.5-liter R-R engine and had more " sporting " body work installed .

  8. 品名:环境洁净乳使用:地板清洁:于20公升水中,加入约50g洁净乳,调匀使用拖洗,不需再以清水清洗。

    Name : Environmental clean milk use : floor cleaner : 20 liters of water , adding about50g clean milk , and mix thoroughly using Tuoxi without further washing with water .

  9. 瓶坯的皇者是5加仑(19公升)的饮水机瓶子的瓶坯,重量由650g至750g不等。

    The king of preform is that of 5-gallon ( 19-litre ) bottle used in drinking water machines . It weighs between 650 and 750g .

  10. 这条管道预计将于今年夏天完成,届时将以每小时4000公升(约1057加仑)的速度把啤酒从市中心的DeHalveMaanBrewery啤酒厂运出,送到城郊的灌装基地。

    The pipeline , which is expected to be completed this summer , will pump beer at a speed of 4000 liters ( about 1057 gallons ) an hour from De Halve Maan Brewery in the center of Brussels to its bottling plant outside the city .

  11. 国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会集团(vinexpo)表示,从2005年到2009年,中国年葡萄酒消费量增长了一倍以上,达到8.67亿公升,相当于10亿瓶以上。

    Between 2005 and 2009 , annual wine consumption in China more than doubled to 867m litres , equivalent to more than 1bn bottles , claims Vinexpo , a wine exhibition group .

  12. 输出功率的引擎容量每公升115.3马力。

    The power output per liter of engine capacity is115.3 bhp .

  13. 半公升本地产维勒比特斯科啤酒卖12.5库纳;

    Half a liter of local Velebitsko beer is 12.50 kunas ;

  14. 在公制中,液体的容量用公升计量。

    In the metric system liquid volume is measured in liters .

  15. 你车子一公升跑多少公里?

    How many kilometers to a liter do you get ?

  16. 每公升沸水加入9.15毫升的盐。

    Add nine-and-one-half milliliters of salt to each liter of boiled water .

  17. 载货空间,第2排/第3排倾倒2308公升

    Cargo Volume : 2nd & 3rd Rows folded 2308 litres

  18. 我想买一公升瓶装的威士忌。

    I would like to purchase a one liter bottle of whiskey .

  19. 油箱容积(公升)/包括近似备用燃油

    Fuel tank capacity ( litres ) / including approx. reserve

  20. 给我一包大包的和一瓶两公升的低糖“雪碧”汽水。

    Give me a big bag and a two-liter of diet Sprite .

  21. 更换在0公升和4公升引擎上的引擎机油滤清器。

    Replace engines oil filter on 0 liter and 4 liter engines .

  22. 0公升引擎:于水泵处连接下侧散热器软管。

    Engine : Connect the lower radiator hose at the water pump .

  23. 蒙古人一天最多可以喝10公升。

    Mongols can drink up to ten liters a day .

  24. 数百万公升的洪水涌入。

    Millions of liters of water threatening to flood in .

  25. 他的汽车每一百公里耗油二十公升。

    His automobile consumes twenty liters of gasoline for every hundred kilometers .

  26. 你能匀给我几公升汽油吗?

    Can you spare me a few liters of petrol ?

  27. 父亲在车上浇满汽油,整整20公升。

    Father sprays the kadett with petrol , 20 liters of petrol .

  28. 这个瓶子的容量是1公升。

    The capacity of this bottle is one litre .

  29. 这种压缩空气空调处理1公升,每分钟最大流量141率。

    This compressed-air conditioner handles a maximum flow rate of141 liters per minute .

  30. 只要付一块半,就可以有一瓶两公升的可乐。

    For $ 1.50 , you can get a two-liter bottle of Coke .