
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ hánɡ kōnɡ yùn shū
  • public air transportation
  1. GB/T16177-1996公共航空运输服务质量标准

    Quality standards of public air transport service

  2. 公共航空运输企业经营航班运输,应当公布班期时刻。

    A public air transport enterprise operating scheduled air services shall have its timetable published .

  3. 第一百零一条公共航空运输企业运输危险品,应当遵守国家有关规定。

    Article101a public air transport enterprise shall observe the relevant regulations of the state in the transport of dangerous articles .

  4. 第一百零五条公共航空运输企业应当投保地面第三人责任险。

    Article 105 A public air transport enterprise shall be covered by insurance against liability for third parties on the surface .

  5. 民用机场分为公共航空运输机场和通用航空机场,以下简称运输机场和通用机场。

    Civil airports are divided into public air transport airports and general aviation airports , hereinafter referred to as transport airports and general airports .

  6. 公共航空运输企业未经国务院民用航空主管部门批准,不得运输作战军火、战物资。

    No public air transport enterprise shall carry munitions of war and implements of war unless approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council .

  7. 第九十一条公共航空运输企业,是指以营利为目的,使用民用航空器运送旅客、行李、邮件或者货物的企业法人。

    Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers , baggage , mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit .

  8. 第三部分进口经营者资格制度,阐述了民用航空器进口经营者的分类,即为公共航空运输企业、通用航空运输企业、其他组织和个人。

    The third section focuses on the legal system of the qualifications and the classification of importers , which are public air transport enterprises , general aviation transportation enterprises , other organizations and individuals .