
  • 网络extended service;Outreach
  1. 高校图书馆开展延伸服务的几点思考

    Some ideas on extended service in library of college and university

  2. 铁路客票系统中延伸服务问题的研究

    Study on the Extended Service of Railway Ticket in g System

  3. 吉林省农业数字化图书馆建设及延伸服务的探讨

    Discussion on Jilin Agricultural Digital Library Construction and Its Extension Services

  4. 浅谈高校图书馆电子阅览室的延伸服务

    Talking about the Extended Services of E-reading Room of University Library

  5. 军队院校图书馆面向部队的延伸服务

    On the Extended Service of the Military Academic Libraries for the Troops

  6. 同时,在多种因素的制约下,延伸服务的服务效果不尽如人意。

    In many restraints , service effect is not satisfactory .

  7. 文章给出了产品延伸服务业务的提供机制。

    This paper puts forward a provision mechanism of PSS .

  8. 这是一种跨国的延伸服务。

    This is an extension of a cross-border services .

  9. 试论新环境下公共图书馆的延伸服务

    Discussion on the Extended Services of the Public Library under the New Situation

  10. 论文首先概述延伸服务的涵义和开展延伸服务的意义。

    Firstly , the paper discusses the meaning and significance of extended services .

  11. 延伸服务触角,完善发展个人客户经理制度;

    The extension of service to develop the system of personal customer manager ;

  12. 基于可持续发展的地方高校图书馆延伸服务初探

    Extended Service of Local Universities Based on Sustainable Development

  13. 以吉林省图书馆为例谈公共图书馆的延伸服务

    Study on Extended Service of Public Library Taking Jilin Provincial Library as an Example

  14. 客票系统延伸服务信息安全模型的研究

    Study of Information Security Model for Extended Services of China Railway Ticketing and Reservation System

  15. 我馆开展馆校共建延伸服务的尝试

    Our Library Carrying out the ' Building Library and School Together ' to Extend Service

  16. 公共图书馆延伸服务为读者提供多样化、个性化服务,满足读者需求。

    Extended services provide diversified and personalized services for readers , which meet the readers ' needs .

  17. 它是无毒的,非熔化,即使保留了使用它的柔韧性延伸服务。

    It is essentially nontoxic and non-melting , retains its pliability , even after extended service use .

  18. 产后延伸服务的尝试

    Stretch Service after childbirth

  19. 第三是深化延伸服务范围向经济领域主战场进入的认识。

    Third , deepening the recognition that extends the service scope to the main battleground of economic field .

  20. 整合资源求发展延伸服务树形象&永康市科普中心建成周年随想

    Integrating Resources to Seek New Development and Extending Services to Establish a New Image & Random Thoughts of Yongkang Science Center Anniversary

  21. 在对我国公共图书馆延伸服务发展现状的调查、分析过程中,发现公共图书馆在开展延伸服务过程中存在的诸多问题。

    From the investigation of the present situation of analysis , we can find many problems in the process of carrying out extended services .

  22. 铁路客票发售和预订系统的延伸服务是铁路客运发展的业务范畴,其发展受信息安全问题影响很大。

    The development of China Railway Ticketing and Reservation System extended services that belong to transportation business by rail was impacted by information security problems .

  23. 建立一套系统而科学的数字参考咨询服务体系,提供有针对性的、个性化的、分层次性的数字参考咨询服务,延伸服务的深度和广度。

    The system of scientific digital reference service system is established to provide targeted , personalized , hierarchical nature of digital reference services , extend its depth and breadth .

  24. 质物监管业务作为一种跨行业的业务,即是金融服务产品,也是物流延伸服务产品,在我国有着十分广阔的发展前景。

    Impawning supervision as a cross-industry business , namely financial services products , is also an extension of logistics services , having broad prospects for development in our country .

  25. 结论多样化的延伸服务能较好地满足产褥期母婴保健的需求,有效地促进母婴健康。

    The extension service of conclusion diversification can more and so satisfy a childbed to expect the need that the female baby care and availably promote female baby 's health .

  26. 最后再通过分析公共图书馆将政府信息公开作为延伸服务所面临的困难和障碍,给出了自己的建议和对策。

    Finally , through the analysis of the public library will open government information service as an extension of the difficulties and obstacles , presented its own proposals and countermeasures .

  27. 哈依妈妈历时八年推进导乐服务在中国的开展,探索并总结出导乐作为医院产科延伸服务的运营模式并在多家医院运营成功。

    For the past eight years in China , Hayimom has been promoting doula services as an extension of hospital obstetric services and has already been successfully implemented in many hospitals .

  28. 铁路货运代理业不得占用运输主业的资金、场地和设备。在业务关系方面,货运代理服务包含延伸服务内容。

    This article discusses the relationship between the industry of railway freight transport agency and transportation 's main business in view of property right and business , especially the differences with the extended services .

  29. 对延伸服务的战略定位、战略规划及战略实施分析进行了尝试性的初步探讨,提出目前需要着重解决的问题及解决方案。

    Strategic positioning of the extension of services , strategic planning and strategic implementation of the analysis of the tentative preliminary study , leading to the present need to focus on problems and solutions .

  30. 最后结合实际工作,探讨了原型系统在延伸服务领域的应用,为国土资源信息的开发和应用提供了新的解决方案。

    Finally , for the actual work , discuss the prototype system of extension services in the field of application for land resources information development , present a new solution for land resource information providers .