
  • 网络Extension distance;extended distance
  1. 反之,倾角越小,俯冲越平缓,水平延伸距离越长。

    Contrarily , the smaller angle of dip and the gentler subduction , the longer horizontally stretching distance .

  2. 在中、短期基准面旋回内,随着可容空间及A/S值的增加,流动单元的发育程度和类型变差,垂向厚度变小、横向延伸距离变短、侧向上的连通性也变差。

    In medium-term and short-term base-level cycles , as accommodations and A / S values increase , flow units have deteriorated development and types , with less vertical thickness , shortened lateral extending distance and poor connections .

  3. 延伸控制距离是远程控制的主要目标。

    The main target of telecontrol is to extend control distance .

  4. 然而,坐在这些品牌的展示会前排,世界从波罗的海沿岸向内陆延伸的距离不超过20公里。

    Sit front row at the shows of these same brands , however , and the world extends no further than 20 kilometres inland from the shores of the Baltic .

  5. 作者采用实测资料分析了河口冲淤的反馈影响,并运用数学模型计算了河口向海域延伸的安全距离。

    Based on the measured data and calculation with mathematical model , the reactions of the river mouth evolution on the upstream river channel were also depicted .

  6. 同时人们希望将这项技术延伸至中短距离通信以及互连领域。

    It is hoped that this technology also extend to the short-distance communication and interconnection areas .

  7. 42℃组可见镧沉淀线包绕生精上皮第一层细胞,并向管腔面延伸一短段距离,未越过紧密连接。

    In 42 ℃ group the lanthanum precipitin line was found around the first layer cells of seminiferous epithelium and extend short distance to lumen .

  8. 首先介绍了东海大陆架的地理和资源概况,其次阐述了中国和日本在东海大陆架问题上分别坚持自然延伸原则和等距离中间线原则,各执己见的状况,最后简单分析了两国的争议焦点。

    Author introduces geography and resource about the continental shelf at first , secondly illustrates that China insists on natural-extending principle and Japan insists on equitable principle , analyses the dispute focuses of two countries finally .

  9. 本文结合1969年之后国际法院和仲裁机构审理的一系列大陆架和海域划界案件,逐一分析大陆架划界的协议义务、自然延伸原则、等距离原则和公平原则。

    The author thoroughly analyzes the principles on the continental shelf delimitation , in conjunction with a series of cases tried by ICJ and the arbitral tribunal after 1969 . Namely , it contains the agreement obligation , natural prolongation principle , equidistance principle and the equitable principle .

  10. 在大位移井钻井过程中,摩阻、扭矩是制约其水平位移延伸长度的关键因素,大位移井井身剖面的优化设计是减少摩阻扭矩、增加水平延伸距离的重要技术措施。

    Torque and drag is a key factor to limit horizontal departure of an extended reach well ( ERW ), optimization of directional profile can be used to reduce torque and drag and increase horizontal departure .