
yán shí qì
  • time delay unit;chronotron delayed action;delayed action;self-timer
  1. 视音频延时器用大容量FIFO的设计

    A Deep FIFO Design for Video and Audio Delay Line Device

  2. R2的工作室,造物主的启动延时器试图解决这个问题,在相当创造性地。

    R2 Studios , the creator of Startup Delayer attempts to solve this problem in quite a creative way .

  3. 给出一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的数控延时器的设计方法。

    The design of digitally programmable delayer based on FPGA is given out in this paper , First , the method using counters in series to design programmable delayer , is introduced particularly .

  4. 通过增加延时器和改造滤芯,减少了粉料回收过滤器的清洗频率及冲洗水用量,从而使ABS装置得以安全、平稳、经济的运行。

    By adding time delayer and modifying the filter element , the cleaning frequency and the cleaning water usage for the powder recovery filter are reduced , and thus safe , stable and economic operation of ABS Plant are ensured .

  5. 介绍视音频延时器用大容量FIFO的设计,大容量FIFO的设计采用了SDRAM代替双口RAM,并采用FPGA设计双口SDRAM控制器。

    A design of deep FIFO for video and audio delay line device is introduced . The deep FIFO is implemented by using SDRAM instead of dual port RAM , and a dual port SDRAM controller is implemented by FPGA .

  6. 每个节点在发送RTS报文以前,先监听信道,若信道空闲就启动退避延时器;若信道忙碌就一直监听直到信道转为空闲再启动退避延时器。

    Before sending the RTS packet , one node should sense the channel . If the channel is idle , the backoff delayer would be activated . If the channel is busy , the node would keep sensing the channel until the channel is idle to activate the backoff delayer .

  7. 可编程宽频带精密延时器设计。

    The design of programmable large frequency band-width precise delay apparatus .

  8. 气动延时器及其计时精度分析

    The Pneumatic Timer and Analysis of Its Timing Accuracy

  9. 分布式扩声及其专用延时器的研制

    Distributing Public Address System and the Special Delay-time Device

  10. 给出了延时器的整体结构图。

    Has given the delayer overall structure drawing .

  11. 八路抢先电路和双路延时器的设计

    Design of 8-Route Lead-up Circuit and 2-Route Delayer

  12. 一种数字延时器的设计原理

    The Design Principle of Digital Time Delayer

  13. 音频系统中的周边设备&延时器之运用

    Application of delayer in audio system

  14. 34帧可调音频延时器的设计

    34-Frame Adjustable Audio Time Delayer

  15. 该延时器主要实现了以下三个功能:首先是延时播出,这是延时器的基本要求。

    It achieves three major functions . First , it is delayed broadcast , which is the basic requirement of delayer .

  16. 本文对这种延时器的结构和工作原理作了简单介绍,而着重对这种延时器的计时精度进行分析,从而对提高计时精度的可能性和措施提出一些看法。

    This paper describes its construction and principle of operation briefly and analyzes its timing accuracy in detail , thus makes some suggestions about probability and measure for increasing the timing accuracy of timer .

  17. 而由于数字系统可以对延时器加以利用,因此可以引入一定程度的非因果性,获得比传统的因果滤波器更灵活强大的特性;

    And as a result of digital system can use them to delay device , so can introduce some degree of the causality , get more than traditional causal filter the characteristics of flexible strong ;

  18. 如果等待期间又听到了信道转为忙碌,则停止延时器,继续监听,延时器中剩余的时间将作为新的退避时间参与下一次竞争。

    If the state of the channel switches to busy mode during the delay , the backoff delayer would be paused and the node would keep sensing the channel . The remaining time in the delayer is the new backoff delay in the next competition .

  19. 其中包括光纤电流传感器的光学系统部分和数字信号处理部分,光学系统设计中主要包括对激光器驱动电路设计、光路优化设计、λ/4波片相位延时器设计以及相位调制器设计。

    Including the optical system and digital signal processing portion of the optical fiber current sensor , the optical system design mainly includes the design of laser driving circuit , optical path optimization , λ / 4wave plate phase delayer and the design of the phase modulator .

  20. 本文叙述了SAW循环延时积累器(RLI)的基本原理,并讨论了它的性能。

    This paper describes the principles of operation of a SAW recirculating delay line integrator ( RLI ) . Performances of the RLI are discussed .

  21. 两个爆磁压缩发生器由延时起爆器延时20ms起爆并用熔断丝进行相互电隔离,在负载二极管上产生了间隔约20ms、功率大于20GW的两个脉冲。

    The two FCGs were controlled by a selftimer with 20 ms interval and the electrical isolation between them was achieved by two fuses . Two pulses with peak power more than 20 GW and pulse interval 20 ms were generated on the diode .

  22. 延时断路器在投影机过热保护中的应用

    Application of Time-delay Breaker in Overheat Protection of Projector

  23. 任意长度余弦调制低延时多路器

    Perfect reconstruction transmultiplexer with a low delay based on arbitrary-length cosine modulated filter banks

  24. 延时解调器将相邻二行的色度信进行平均使彩色图象垂直分解力下降,本文对这一问题进行分析和讨论。

    On the average of two line chroma signal in succession , delay demodulator made color image vertical resolution reduce , the paper analyses and discusses this question .

  25. 本文介绍了一种射频频率捷变信号发生器的设计方案和工作原理,讨论了模拟相位内插(API)、延时鉴频器、锁频环、单环频率合成和频率快速跳变等关键技术。

    In this paper , the design and principle of a agile RF signal generator is introduced , and the key techniques including the API , delay line discriminator , frequency locked loop , frequency synthesis of single loop , frequency fast hop etc. are discussed .

  26. 首先,半导体光放大器作为一种具有高速开关效应的有源光器件,应用在光纤真延时微波移相器中,能够保证系统的相位切换速度。

    When SOA is applied in optical FDL microwave phase-shifter , it can insure the phase switching speed .

  27. 尤其是可编程光纤延时线移相器,通过动态切换微波相位,能够实现光控相控阵雷达的波束扫描。

    Especially , programmable optical fiber delay line phase-shifter can realize the beam forming and scanning in optical phased array antenna system by dynamically shifting the phase of microwave signal .

  28. SL系列延时型漏电断路器故障原因分析

    Trouble Reason Analysis for SL Series Delayed Electrical Leakage Circuit Breaker

  29. 当前低速率语音编码研究的重点主要集中在4kb/s以下高质量低延时的声码器上。

    Currently , low bit-rate speech encoding algorithms are focused on high quality and low time delay of the vocoder below 4 kbps .

  30. 自励式延时继电器在断路器储能电机控制回路中的应用

    The application of self-excitation delay relay in the breaker stored energy electromotor control loop