
  1. 江文也,中国近现代音乐史上的特殊音乐家。

    Chang Wen Yeah is a special musician in Chinese modern musical history .

  2. 我们的抽屉里有些什么?&谈中国近现代音乐史研究的史料工作

    The Historical Materials Work to the Research of Chinese Modern Musical History A

  3. 他是中国近现代音乐史上继聂耳之后的又一位伟大的人民音乐家。

    He is another great public musician after Nie ' r in modern history of China .

  4. 同时,希望为完善中国近现代音乐史的研究提供一些有益的参考。

    Meanwhile , we hope to provide some useful reference for the improvement of Chinese modern music history .

  5. 中国近现代音乐史研究的史料工作应该是音乐史学研究的重要问题。

    The historical materials should be one of the important issues in the research of Chinese modern musical history .

  6. 中国近现代音乐史教学:两个传统并存与古今衔接问题

    Teaching Chinese Modern Music : Problems of Two Traditions Existing Side by Side and the Joint of Old and New

  7. 俞绂棠(1914&1992)是中国近现代音乐史上的一位历史人物,是我国近现代著名的作曲家、音乐教育家。

    Yu Fu Tang ( 1914-1992 ) is a historical figure in China is now the history of music , A famous composer , Music educator .

  8. 马思聪是我国第一代小提琴音乐作曲家与演奏家,其作品在中国近现代音乐史上占有重要地位。

    Ma Sicong , the first generation violinist and composer in our country , enjoys a significant position in the history of Chinese contemporary music for his works .

  9. 本文以一位几乎被人们遗忘的音乐教育家柯政和为中心人物,论述他在中国近现代音乐史上所做出的音乐贡献。

    This thesis , centering on Cheng-Ho Ko , the musical educationist who has almost been forgotten by us , discusses his music achievement in Music history of neoteric and modern China .

  10. 本文通过探讨北大早期音乐教育的演变过程,确立它在中国近现代音乐史、音乐教育史上的地位和作用。

    Through the analysis to the evolution process of the early music education of Beida in this paper , its position and role in the modern music education history of China was given .

  11. 第一部分江文也的生平与音乐创作回顾了江文也教授的一生,简略阐述了他的音乐创作风格以及他在中国近现代音乐史上的地位。

    The first part " Jiang 's life and his musical creation ", reflected Professor Jiang 's life , briefly interpreted his style and musical creation and his position in modern musical history of China .

  12. 石夫作为中国近现代音乐史上一位重要的作曲家,他的音乐作品众多,涵盖了歌曲、歌剧、舞剧、交响乐、钢琴作品等体裁。

    The composer Shi Fu was one of the most important composers in Chinese modern music history . His works are numerous , including songs , opera , ballet , symphony , piano music and other genres .

  13. 在中国音乐史的分期中,常常把学堂乐歌看作是中国近现代音乐史的开端。

    In the division of the historical periods of Chinese music , school song is generally regarded as the beginning of the history the modem Chinese music .

  14. 本文整理2001-2003年间《人民音乐》,《音乐研究》、《中国音乐学》等杂志及各大音乐学院学报中有关中国近现代音乐史理论研究文章,介绍了目前中国音乐史理论研究的概况。

    This thesis sorts out many related theoretical research papers on Chinese modern musical history from People 's Music , Music Research , Musicology in China and journals of conservatories between 2001 and 2003 and then gives a survey of theoretical research on music history in modern China .

  15. 中国的古老传统音乐文化和学堂乐歌以来的新音乐文化,在中国近现代音乐史的教学内容中应该并存并重,努力争取做到符合客观史实的平衡。

    In the teaching of Chinese neoteric and modern music , we should keep the balance between Chinese ancient and new music culture .