
  1. 上海是中国近代银行业的发祥地,它的金融发展史可以追溯到150多年以前。

    As the origin of the Chinese modern-times ' bank industry , Shanghai has a long finance history which can be reached to 150 years ago .

  2. 与此同时,中国近代银行在城市的发展也遇到了前所未有的挑战和危机,开始尝试走向农村,但是结果却并不是乐观的。

    Meanwhile , the bank in modern urban development also met with unprecedented challenges and crisis . Modern Chinese Banks began to rural areas . But the results are not optimistic .

  3. 第一次世界大战结束后,政局的动荡、频繁的金融风潮,以及中国近代银行业务竞争的不断加剧,这些因素共同促成了北四行的联营。

    After the First World War ended , the political situation turbulence , the frequent financial unrest , as well as the Chinese modern times bank service competition unceasingly intensify , these factors have facilitated Four Banks of the north of joint management together .

  4. 1905-1935:中国近代区域银行发展史研究

    1905 ~ 1935 : Study on Local Banking Phylogeny in Modern Chinese History