
  • 网络Energy
  1. 浙江省城市能源设施发展研究

    Study of the development of city energy infrastructure in Zhejiang province

  2. 它有能源设施,供他的生活和操纵飞行之用。

    It has an energy source so they can live and maneuver .

  3. 动力能源设施安全管理重点是减少事故,尽量降低事故损失。

    The power energy facility safety management point is to reduce the accident , lowering the accident loss as far as possible .

  4. 在美国,家中安装了节约能源设施的消费者可以获得500美元的税收减免。

    In the U. S. , consumers who install energy-saving equipment in their homes may be eligible for a $ 500 tax credit .

  5. 基础设施当然还包括用来推动世界发展的事物:机场,能源设施,学校,医院,铁路系统,海港等等。

    Infrastructure also includes larger things that make the global economy go round : airports , energy facilities , schools , hospitals and transit rail links , sea ports .

  6. 圣普政府希望投资建设能源设施,特别是水力发电站,修建一个深水港,扩建国际机场。

    The country proposes to invest in the energy sector , particularly in building hydroelectric dams , as well as building a deep water port and expand the international airport .

  7. 我们将使更多的美国人参与到建立洁净能源设施的工作中来,并使那些提高能源效率、支持洁净能源建设的家庭享受更优惠的税收政策。

    We should put more Americans to work building clean energy facilities , and give rebates to Americans who make their homes more energy efficient , which supports clean energy jobs .

  8. 中国高等学校为了满足社会主义建设对人才的需要正在不断扩大招生规模。随着高校招生规模不断扩大,校园内的能源设施、能源用量也急剧增长。

    In order to meet the increasing needs of talents for socialist construction , Chinese colleges and universities are expanding their enrollment , which leads to rapid increase in campus energy facilities and energy usage .

  9. 在尼日利亚,能源设施不断遭到武装袭击,石油工人的罢工上周才刚刚结束,这也进一步表明该国被称为“极不可靠的石油供应国”的确名副其实。

    In Nigeria , a series of militant attacks on energy infrastructure and an oil workers'strike that ended last week have added to the country 's reputation as one of the most unreliable oil suppliers .

  10. 也门官员说,英国驻也门大使馆一辆汽车遭到火箭的袭击,造成数人受伤。同时,一名持枪者在首都郊外枪杀了一名在能源设施工作的法国男子。

    Yemeni officials say a rocket attack on a British embassy vehicle in Sana'a has wounded several people , while a gunman has killed a French man working at an energy facility outside the capital .

  11. 他说,炼油厂和其他重要的能源设施都挺过了这次风暴,不过墨西哥湾很多设施和石油平台都被迫关闭,这已经给全美各地的汽油价格造成影响。

    He says refineries and other important energy infrastructure came through the storm . But the shutdown of many facilities and oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico is already having an effect on fuel prices nationwide .

  12. 北京市要全面建设人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京的战略目标,必须着力优化能源设施布局,加快能源结构调整,完善能源机制体制,提供坚强的能源保障。

    Beijing , striving to achieve " Humanistic Beijing "," Scientific and Technical Beijing " and " Green Beijing ", is necessary to optimize the energy facilities distribution , speed Energy restructuring , perfect energy system-mechanic organization , provide strongly energy guarantee .

  13. 动力能源设施事故具有高度不易确定性、突发性和较大负面影响,它与危机的性质基本相同,故可以将危机管理的思想应用于动力能源设施的运行安全管理。

    The power energy facility accident has the high not easy judge , abrupt and bigger negatively influence characteristic , and the power energy facility accident is similar to crisis in quality , so we can apply the thought of crisis management to the power energy facility operation safety management .

  14. 以GIS为基础的城市能源供给设施风险信息系统

    GIS based Risk Information System on Urban Energy Supply Facility

  15. ge能源基础设施(geenergyinfrastructure)副董事长兼首席执行官约翰克瑞尼基(johnkrenicki)表示,ge已经开始在美国科罗拉多州的工厂建造试生产线。

    GE has started to build pilot production lines at its facility in Colorado , said John Krenicki , a vice-chairman and chief executive of Ge energy infrastructure , which includes the renewable energy division .

  16. 已经有越来越多的中国公司提出为矿业公司修建运输与能源基础设施,以换取“承购”(off-take)协议即购买后者生产的矿产品。

    Chinese companies are in-creasingly offering to build transport and energy infrastructure for mining companies in return for deals to buy the minerals produced , or off-take agreements .

  17. 浙江省城市能源基础设施现状分析与探讨

    Current status and proposals study on municipal energy infrastructure in Zhejiang province

  18. 我们也无法一夜间替换掉所有的能源基础设施。

    Nor can we replace our energy infrastructure overnight .

  19. 新闻中的词汇1.n.基础结构;基础设施各国都应该投资建设更好的能源基础设施。

    Infrastructure Nations should invest in better energy infrastructure .

  20. 各国都应该投资建设更好的能源基础设施。

    Nations should invest in better energy infrastructure .

  21. 每隔几个星期,都有关于中国升级其交通和能源基础设施的最新报道。

    Every few weeks there is fresh news that China is upgrading its transport and energy infrastructure .

  22. 但俄罗斯在乌克兰问题上的好战性将促使世界其他地区加快升级能源生产设施。

    But Russia 's belligerence in Ukraine will inspire an acceleration in the upgrade of production infrastructure elsewhere .

  23. 能源基础设施项目土地价格的确定&以电网工程为例

    Study on Determination of Land Price of Energy Infrastructure Projects : A Case Study on Power Grid Project

  24. 若对此置之不理,结果将是能源基础设施的投资不足,最终导致燃料短缺。

    Left unchecked , the result would have been underinvestment in energy infrastructure , and ultimately shortages of fuel .

  25. 电动汽车能源供给设施建设是影响电动汽车推广与发展的重要因素。

    Electric vehicle energy supply facility is one of the important factors that affect the promotion and development of electric vehicles .

  26. 在这些承诺中,有三分之二用来支持农业、农村生产率和可持续的资源利用、能源基础设施、商业环境和运输。

    Two thirds support agriculture , rural productivity and sustainable resource use , energy infrastructure , the business environment , and transport .

  27. 工业用地(工厂,能源交通设施等):因为独特性,经常需要个别评估。

    Industrial land ( industrial sites , energy and transport facilities , etc. ): Often requires individual valuation because of uniqueness of properties .

  28. 纺织行业中普遍采用的采灌井是一种绿色能源利用设施,能有效控制地面沉降和减少夏季用电负荷。

    Water extraction and filling well commonly used in textile industry is a green energy-utilizing facility , it can control ground sink and save electric energy .

  29. 融合程度更高的欧洲能源基础设施,以及政策的相互协调,能够加大市场的流动性&在这样一个市场上,曾经时断时续的风能和太阳能发电项目将更容易获得融资。

    A more integrated European energy infrastructure and co-ordinated policies would permit a more liquid market – one easier for intermittent wind and solar generation to sell into .

  30. 近年来随着电动汽车相关关键技术的攻克,加快推进了电动汽车产业化进程,与电动汽车高速发展相配套的能源供给设施的建设是产业化推广的基础,也迎来了快速发展时期。

    Construction of energy supply facilities is the basis of promotion of the EV , which also ushered in a period of rapid development with the industrialization of EV .