
  1. 能源专业机构SimmonsCo认为,不要这么快下结论。大型海上油田的开发成本昂贵,而且往往产量很快就达到峰值,而页岩层的贡献可能也无法抵消传统油田储量的缩减。

    Not so fast , argues energy specialist Simmons Co. Large offshore discoveries are expensive and have often peaked very quickly , while shale plays may not offset declines in conventional fields .

  2. 面向21世纪农业建筑环境与能源工程专业教学改革探讨

    Study on the Teaching Reform Facing 21st Century for Agricultural Architectural Environment and Energy Engineering Major

  3. 请问,农业生物环境与能源工程专业怎样,学些什么,就业领域有那些?谢谢了!

    Excuse me , agricultural biology environment and energy project major how , what to learn , does obtain employment domain have those ? Thanked !

  4. 在某个领域,如可再生能源方面拥有专业知识的人或许对此有偏见。

    People with expertise in one field , such as renewable energy , may have a bias towards it .

  5. 他在斯坦福大学完成了本科阶段的学习,并获得了加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的法学专业和能源及资源专业的研究生学位。

    He did his undergraduate studies at Stanford University , and he holds graduate degrees in Law and Energy & Resources from the University of California at Berkeley .

  6. 文章从生产效率、物资和能源消耗、专业化生产诸方面探讨了我国船舶工业和世界先进造船业的差距。

    Discrepancies between shipbuilding industries of China and the world foremost countries , including labor productivity , cost of raw materials and energy , specialization of production are discussed .

  7. 杨林于2003年在浙江大学能源系毕业,专业方向为火力发电。

    Yang Lin in2003 graduated from Zhejiang University , Mechanical and Energy Engineering College .

  8. 广西高职教育农村能源(沼气)专业研究

    Study on the Specialty of Rural Energy ( Biogas ) in Guangxi Higher Vocational Education

  9. 这些人基本上都是只关心提高能源供给的能源专业人士。

    These were basically energy professionals who only worried about enhancing the supply of energy .

  10. 实施建筑节能的关键,在于组建基于合同能源管理机制的专业化建筑节能服务公司。

    Implementation of the building energy efficiency is based on key , established the specialization of energy contract management mechanism of Building Energy Management Corporation .

  11. 该系统包括能源中心综述篇和以详尽技术资料为主的能源中心专业篇两部分,其中前者有中、英文两种版本。

    The system includes two parts , the summary of energy center and the introduction of the majors , in which the former is presented in Chinese and in English .