
  • 网络energy service company;ESCO;Escos
  1. ESCO(EnergyServiceCompany)是能源服务公司的简称,这类新型的节能服务公司在世界各地的建筑节能领域取得了相当巨大的成果。

    ESCO ( Energy Service Company ) is that the sources of energy service company shorter form . This kind of late-model energy conservation service company has got pretty gigantic achievement in world everywhere building energy conservation field .

  2. 介绍了引进的美国哈理伯顿能源服务公司的核磁共振测井仪。

    The nuclear magnetic resonance well logging tool is analysed which is imported from Halliburton Energy Services .

  3. 鼓励能源服务公司参与热电联产的投资、建设和管理;

    Encouraging the energy service companies to participate in the investment , construction and management of cogeneration ;

  4. 在许多地区,由于农户收入水平较低,沼气建设过分依赖政府补贴,能源服务公司的经营管理能力及融资能力都比较差,导致当地沼气行业发展缓慢。

    Due to some Energy Service Companies with insufficient business management and weak capacity for financing , it causes the biogas industry to be developed slowly .

  5. 能源服务公司。它们同企业或政府一道识别并设计能效项目,安排融资,实施项目。

    ESCOs ( energy service companies ) that work with businesses or governments to identify and design energy efficiency projects , arrange financing , and implement the projects .

  6. 不过Gogoro不甘于机车制造商的角色,他们自许为一间以能源服务为本的公司。

    But Gogoro doesn 't want to be called a scooter company . It sees itself as an energy services company at heart .

  7. 政府机构节能项目可以采用合同能源管理方式委托能源服务公司建设实施。

    It can be implemented by entrusting energy service companies by means of contract energy management .