
  • 网络noshiro;NOSHIRO JPNOS NSR;Noshiro Noshiro
  1. 你能代我们冲洗这个胶卷吗?

    Can you develop this film for us ?

  2. 地理空间绘制乍听起来需要很多技巧,但若GoogleMapsJavaScriptAPI能代您完成很多工作的话,那就另当别论了。

    Geo-spatial mapping might sound tricky , but not when the Google Maps JavaScript API does so much of the work for you .

  3. 本公司是一家专业生产电子温度。温湿度计及其它电子产品。能代客户OEM。承接模具制作。注塑。产品组装。产品开发。

    Our company speciality produce digital thermometer , hygrothermogroph , and other electron products ; era client OEM , carry on and make mould , Plastict moulding , mount products , exploiture products .

  4. 今晚没有人能代我一下吗?

    Isn 't there anyone else who can cover for me tonight ?

  5. 你能代我去开会吗?

    Can you step in for me at the meeting ?

  6. 西西,你能代我的明天的晚班吗?

    Sissi , could you take my late shift tomorrow ?

  7. 我想她能代生是很慷慨的事。

    I think her offer to be our surrogate was very generous .

  8. 你能代我们向你家人道晚安么?

    Andwiiiyou say goodnight to your famiiy for us ?

  9. 因为我忙,你能代我处理这件事吗?

    Since I am busy , would you attend to the matter for me ?

  10. 就以下提及的货物,我方希望您能代我方投保。

    We hope you will cover insurance on our behalf for the consignment mentioned below .

  11. 你能代我去参加会议吗?我现在有点麻烦事。

    Can you go to the meeting of me ? I 'm in a jam .

  12. 固体的能代理论用来计算半导体介质的吸收与增益。

    The band theory of solids is used to calculate the absorption and gain of semiconductor media .

  13. 牢记&停止争斗的突然决定,就只是随大流,能代给我们难以置信的解脱。

    Remember that the sudden decision to stop fighting , and just go with the flow , can be incredibly releasing .

  14. 大学语言中心的宿舍通常在学校的学生宿舍内,如果学生要求,有些大学也能代为安排寄宿家庭。

    Accommodation for the university language centres is usually in university halls of residence though some are also able to provide family homestay if required .

  15. 可能听起来有些多余,但确是如此——生活中,没有能代来幸福的现成的指南,也没有挥一挥就能带来欢乐的魔棒。

    Sounds a bit redundant , but truthfully , there is no set guidelines that will bring one happiness . There is no " magic wand " we can wave to bring joy into our lives .

  16. 一个人必须明白,要想真正找到幸福,他就必须让自己幸福。可能听起来有些多余,但确是如此——生活中,没有能代来幸福的现成的指南,也没有挥一挥就能带来欢乐的魔棒。

    Inevitably , one must understand to truly find " happiness , " he must make his own happiness " happen . " Sounds a bit redundant , but truthfully , there is no set guidelines that will bring one happiness.There is no " magic wand "

  17. 传统必须能一代一代往下传。

    A tradition must be capable of being passed down from one generation to another .

  18. 希望本文的这些思考能对代建制的完善提供一些帮助。

    I hope these reflections of this article can provide some help to the agent system perfect .

  19. 在愈伤组织的分化培养中,建立起了能继代繁殖、不断保持绿苗分化能力的愈伤组织无性系。

    The domes have been established to keep successive propagation and ability of continual differentiation of green plantlets .

  20. 结果表明,Ce3+能使原代肝细胞内cAMP和cGMP浓度显著增加。

    The results showed that cerium could enhance the concentration of cAMP and cGMP in primary hepatocyte .

  21. 本文提出一个具有稳定质子的SU(7)大统一模型,它能容纳三代已知费米子和低质量磁单极;

    Presented here is an SU ( 7 ) GUT model with a stable proton which can accommodate three generations of known fermions and low mass monopoles .

  22. 结果表明,该模式能模拟出现代气候态以及〔CO2〕变化的趋势。东北地区现代气候变化及其对生态地理界线的影响研究

    The results show that this model can be used to simulate the modern climatic states and the variational trend of CO2 content as well . A Study of Contemporary Climate Change in Northeast China and Effect to Eco-geographical Boundaries

  23. 结果:复方茯苓制剂能抑制原代培养大鼠前脂肪细胞的增殖和分化,并能抑制PPARγ基因表达。

    RESULTS : CPP inhibited the proliferation and differentiation of primary rat preadipocytes in a dose-dependent manner , and it also inhibited the expression of PPAR γ mRNA .

  24. 这些研究结果证明,在未表现出全身性中毒的亚中毒阈剂量下,CPF在妊娠期的暴露,能引起子代鼠脑结构的细微损伤。

    Even without obviously system toxicity , subtoxic dosage of CPF prenatal exposure could cause slight impairments of structure on the brain of the offsprings .

  25. 结论:山梨醇可以诱导神经元凋亡,HSV1能阻止原代培养的小鼠皮质神经元凋亡且与病毒毒力有关。

    HSV 1 can block apoptosis of the primary culture of murine cortical neurons , and it should have the relation with neurovirulence .

  26. 玛丽,星期五能替我代班吗?

    Mary , could you cover for me on friday ?

  27. 共同而独特的青春经历最能唤起一代人的特殊情感。

    Common and unique youth experience can remind generation of a special feeling .

  28. 在秋霜晚、有效积温高的年份能发生一代半。

    In the years that the autumn frost came late and high effective cumulative temperature ;

  29. 但是,尽管台上有千禧一代的代表,但仍能感到两代人之间的排斥与接受。

    But even with a millennial ambassador on stage , the generational push and pull could be felt .

  30. 但这种“吝啬”换来的却是富二代的自强,这是那些富豪能维持几代人继续富有的一个秘诀。

    But this " stingy " paid is the two rich generation self-improvement , it is the rich can maintain generations continued to rich one secret .