
  • 网络Energy Field;energetic field
  1. 就只是独处,感觉你的生命动力(lifeforce)、你的灵气、你的能量场,感觉你身体里堵塞的能量,察觉到紧绷之处。

    Just be with yourself , sensing your life force , your aura , your energy field , and sense the blockages in your body , manifesting as tensions .

  2. 基于能量场边缘提取和改进Hough变换的图像几何特征检测

    The geometry character detecting method based on energy field edges detected and improved hough transform

  3. 这一光体在1800股DNA时,给整个身体和能量场充能以稳定振动。

    This light body energizes the entire form and field to stabilize the vibration at1800 strands of DNA .

  4. 本文对MEMS中多种能量场耦合问题的各种数值仿真分析方法进行了综合评述。

    This paper reviewed the present numerical methods for the multiple energy-domain coupling simulation in MEMS .

  5. 系统级仿真和多能量场耦合是MEMS器件计算机辅助设计的核心环节。

    System - level simulation and Field - coupling is the key link of MEMS CAD .

  6. 虽然你意愿将自己的元素结构以磁性元素代替,但除非你的相关DNA为磁性语言,否则该意愿无法在能量场中实现。

    Although one can intend to replace one 's elemental structure with magnetic elements , unless the DNA associated is of magnetic language , then the intention will not take hold within one 's energy field .

  7. 鲨鱼也巡逻着Terra的边界,因为鲨鱼和老虎是一体的,并具有同样的能量场。

    Shark too patrols the boundaries of Terra as Shark and Tiger is one and the same energy field .

  8. 有时候,Terra已经超越的思想形态被扔回她的能量场,从而让侵犯再次发生。

    Sometimes thought-form that Terra has already transcended is thrown back into her field allowing the violation to occur yet once again .

  9. Mila和Oa正在寻找一个生存于人类之舞的方法,这个方法并不涉及被设计用来粉碎能量场、并因此而阻止他们提升的能量系统。

    Mila and Oa are finding a way to exist in the human dance without partaking in the energy systems designed to break down the field and therefore prevent their ascension .

  10. 本实验研究了632.8nm的HeNe激光照射来自不同部位的人体皮肤组织的散射光能量场的空间分布情况。

    The distribution of energy field of scattered light in four different human skin tissues irradiated by 632.8 nm wavelength of He Ne laser was investigated .

  11. Mila已学会把能量场的所有得到看成一能量的流动瀑布,来自于她灵魂、源头、我是之所在及万有之源神与女神。

    Mila learned to think of all receiving for her field as a flowing waterfall of energy from her soul , source and I AM Presence along with God Goddess All That Is .

  12. 基于OpenGLShadingLanguage(GLSL)技术,在水下声场体可视化的基础上对能量场进行三维剖分技术研究,并根据不同的战术目的,研究了两种不同的切平面剖分绘制方法。

    The clipping plane technology was researched based on OpenGL Shading language ( GLSL ) during volume visualization in underwater Acoustic Energy Fields , and two methods were brought forward to create clipping planes according to different requests of tactics .

  13. 次天气尺度能量场和华北强雹暴预报

    Energy fields on subsynoptic scale and severe hailstorm in North China

  14. 甘蔗渣浆黑液在超声波能量场中的降粘特性

    Bagasse Kraft Black Liquor Viscosity-Reduction Property in Ultrasonic Energy Field

  15. 近海突然加强台风能量场的诊断分析

    On diagnostic analysis of energy fields of abrupt intensification of typhoon offshore

  16. 你不能只提升能量场而不提升身体。

    One cannot ascend the field without ascending the form .

  17. 不过,这类烟雾同时净化了房间和他们的能量场。

    However , such smoke clears the room and their fields simultaneously .

  18. 独立自主的能量场,是继续提升的必备条件。

    Sovereignty of field is a requirement for continued ascension .

  19. 你不能低估一个提升者能量场的力量。

    One cannot underestimate the power of an ascending field .

  20. 能量场在地面表现为Ω型。

    The energy field is Ω pattern on the surface .

  21. 云南地区地震活动能量场的时空分布特征

    Space-time Distributed Characteristics on Energy Field of Earthquake in the Yunnan Region

  22. 所有的人本是一体,他们都由相同的能量场连接着。

    All is One and connected through the energetic fields .

  23. 地球有一个现在已经扩展到你们银河系大小的能量场。

    Earth has an energy field that now extends into your cosmos .

  24. 这一运动将帮助你把能量场按道时间校准对时。

    This movement will help align one 's field to Tao Time .

  25. 提升到1800股创造了一个全球大小的能量场。

    The ascent to 1800 creates a global sized field .

  26. 它就是能量场,是物质的一种存在形式。

    They are energy field , a form of matter 's existence .

  27. 9711号台风与0509号台风能量场对比分析

    Comparision Analysis of Energy Field between 9711 and 0509 Typhoon

  28. 这类梦想层经常用于破坏能量场和剥夺记录。

    Such dreamtime was often used to mutilate fields and strip records .

  29. 事实上,我们能够在宇宙中创造一个巨大的能量场。

    We can actually create a very powerful energy field in the universe .

  30. 在人类能量场中有一层又一层的编码设计。

    There are layer upon layer of programming in the human energy field .