
  • 网络charge quantization;quantization of electric charge;chaege quantization;Quantization of charge
  1. 基于电荷量子化的事实,运用最小平移算符的性质等,计算介观LC电路中电荷、电流以及能量的量子涨落,研究影响量子涨落的因素。

    On the basis of the charge quantization , the quantum fluctuations of the charge , current and energy in the mesoscopic LC circuit are calculated by the character of the minimum translational operator , the effects of the parameters on the quantum fluctuations are investigated .

  2. 不可积相因子与电荷量子化

    Non - Integrable Phase Factor and Charge Quantization

  3. 磁单极与电荷量子化电点火头药剂贮存失效的组分分析

    Monopole and electric charge of quantification Composition Analysis on Deterioration of Electric Match Charge in Storage

  4. 应用量子理论研究了磁单极子的存在,从而得到电荷量子化这一重要特性。

    Using quantion theory , this paper researches existence of magnetic monopole , and further , obtains the important characteristics about quantization of electric charge .

  5. 在第四章,基于电荷的量子化特征,给出了介观电容耦合RLC电路的量子化方法,研究了介观电容耦合RLC电路的库仑阻塞效应。

    In chapter 4 , regarding the discreteness of electric charge , we present the method of the mesoscopic capacitance coupling RLC circuit and studied the Coulomb blockade effect in the circuit .

  6. 出于此结论,他总结出电荷是量子化的。

    Out of that he concludes charge must be quantized .

  7. 基于电荷的量子化,导出了传输体系的哈密顿量和电流。

    The Transmission Loop Based on the charge quantum , the Hamiltonian and electric current of the system are obtained .

  8. 电荷是量子化的,第二,他能,测量出电荷基本的量值。

    Charge is quantized . And , secondly , he was able to measure the value of the elemental charge .

  9. 结果表明,量子电流不仅与外磁场、介观金属环参数有关,而且还明显地依赖于电荷的量子化性质。

    The results show that the quantum current of the rings are not only related with the external magnetic field and the parameters of the mesoscopic metal ring , but depended on the quantization character of the charge evidently .

  10. 该文基于介观电路中电荷应是量子化的这一事实,应用正则量子化方法给出了介观耗散电容耦合电路的量子化方法和库仑阻塞条件。

    Based on the fact that the charge is quantized in a dissipative mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuit , the quantum theory of the mesoscopic capacitance coupling circuit and the condition for Coulomb blockade ( CCB ) are given by using canonical quantization method .