
  • 网络electronic ink;E-Ink;e ink
  1. 尽管电子墨水屏比平板电脑的背光显示屏看起来更舒适,但iPadAir到目前为止是使用专用阅读应用(比如针对报纸和杂志的应用)的最便利方式。

    Although an e-ink screen is easier on the eyes than a tablet 's backlit display , the iPad Air is by far the slickest way to access dedicated reading apps , like those for newspapers and magazines .

  2. 手镯使用低能耗的电子墨水屏,设计者称,该手镯充电一次可使用一年。

    The bracelet uses a low-power e-ink screen and the designers claim the device will last a year on a single charge .

  3. 丁二酸改性电子墨水用球形SiO2颗粒的FTIR及XPS分析

    FTIR and XPS Analysis of Modified Spherical SiO_2 Particles with Butanedioic Acid

  4. 据说灵感来自Flexible弹性触摸屏和柔性电子墨水技术的发展。这玩意只有纸片薄大小,可以触摸,屏幕为很白色的电子墨水技术显示。

    Using a ductile e-ink display and elastic electronic underpinnings , they created a device called the PaperPhone that literally bends to its user 's will .

  5. 本毕业设计的目标是设计基于嵌入式Linux和电子墨水显示技术PDA的底层驱动。并实现对用户应用程序的透明。

    The graduation design objective is to design and electronic ink display technology based on embedded Linux PDA bottom-driven .

  6. Kindle和Reader同样使用电子墨水显示技术,拥有绝佳的易读性,并与其制造商旗下的通路紧密结合。

    Both products offer excellent readability using electronic ink display technology and are tied to stores controlled by their manufacturers .

  7. 记者马特•亚历山大在美国创新人才求职网站TheLoop上撰文指出,Kindle和Nook等基于电子墨水的电子阅读器注定是个悲剧。

    Over at the loop , writer Matt Alexander argues that e-ink-based e-readers like the Kindle and nook are doomed .

  8. 为制备出适用于电子墨水的白色电泳颗粒,采用控制正硅酸乙酯在氨水-乙醇溶液中的水解来合成SiO2颗粒。

    In order to prepare white electrophoretic particles , SiO_2 particles were prepared by hydrolysis of ethyl orthosilicate in ammonia / alcohol solution .

  9. 巴诺(Barnes&Noble)发布了最新款的Nook电子墨水阅读器,其相比首款产品硬件有重大升级。

    Barnes & Noble launched a major hardware update to its original nook e-ink e-reader .

  10. 一般情况下,在Fire上的阅读体验与基于电子墨水的最新款Kindle同样流畅,但是新型处理器使运行速度要更快些。

    The reading experience is usually as fluid as the latest crop of e-ink-based Kindle devices , but things hum along a little faster thanks to that processor .

  11. 该显示器件以传统的LCD显示技术为参考,根据微胶囊型电子墨水材料自身的独特电学特性进行了相应的修改,使其达到要求的显示效果。

    It was modified and based on the unique electrical properties of microcapsules of electronic ink material to get the display requirements refer to the traditional LCD display technology .

  12. 马丁诺夫是一位面部棱角分明、拥有20年软件和IT公司从业经验的资深人士,他曾在微软(MicrosoftCorp.)供职。他说,电子墨水显示屏的用途是无限的。

    Mr. Martynov , a sharp-featured , 20-year veteran of software and IT companies , including Microsoft Corp. , says the applications are limitless for the e-reader display .

  13. 采用丁二酸对球状亚微米级SiO2颗粒进行表面改性,以提高SiO2颗粒于四氯乙烯溶剂中的电泳性能,制备适于电子墨水用的白色电泳颗粒。

    In order to improve the electrophoresis properties of the spherical SiO_2 particles in tetrachloroethylene , the prepared spherical sub-micron SiO_2 particles were modified by butanedioic acid .

  14. 劣势:iPadAir的电池续航时间(10小时)就平板电脑而言是非常出色的,但比不上AuraHD和Paperwhite等电子墨水阅读器。

    Minus : The iPad Air 's battery life ( rated at 10 hours ) is impressive for a tablet but trails e-ink readers like the Aura HD and Paperwhite .

  15. 微胶囊电泳显示电子墨水技术(EPID)是实现柔性显示的重要技术之一。

    Microcapsule electrophoretic image display ( EPID ) is one of the most important technology for realizing flexible display .

  16. 这款手机的其他独一无二的设计包括,手机一侧的曲面显示屏,这种显示屏使用了康宁公司(CorningInc.)首次推出的球形玻璃,这种设计是为了鼓励用户在放手机的时候把电子墨水屏幕一侧朝上放置。

    Other unique elements include a curved display on one-side , using a first-of-its kind rounded glass from Corning Inc. , designed to encourage users to always point the e-paper screen up when putting the phone down .

  17. 这款手机的创新之处在于它的电子墨水屏,这种技术广泛应用于电子书阅读器上,比如亚马逊(Amazon.comInc.)的Kindle,该技术可以使图像一直停留在屏幕上,只有在屏幕图像发生变化的时候才会耗电。

    The innovation lies in the use of the e-paper display , a technology most widely seen on e-book readers such as Amazon.com Inc. 's Kindle , which allows an image to be displayed at all times , but only uses power when the picture changes .

  18. 明胶-阿拉伯树胶基电子墨水微胶囊的制备及其显示性能

    Preparation and properties of gelatin-gum acacia based electronic ink microcapsules display

  19. 电子墨水&未来电子报纸和电子书的显示媒体

    Electronic-Ink - Future Display Media for Electronic Paper and Electronic Book

  20. 蓝色电子墨水微胶囊的制备及其电场响应行为

    Preparation and Electric Field Response Behavior of Blue Electric Ink Microcapsules

  21. 电子墨水用白色电泳颗粒的制备及其表面改性

    Preparation and Surface Modification of White Electrophoretic Particles Used in E-ink

  22. 脲甲醛缩聚物制备电子墨水微胶囊研究

    The preparation of electrophoretic ink microcapsules by using urea formaldehyde oligomer

  23. 有机颜料与无机颜料电子墨水稳定性研究

    The Stability of Electrophoretic Suspension With Organic pigment or Inorganic Pigment

  24. 原位聚合法制备红色电子墨水微胶囊

    Preparation of red encapsulated electrophoretic ink by in situ polymerization

  25. 电子墨水是一种新型的柔性显示材料。

    Electronic ink ( E ink ) is a novel flexible display material .

  26. 电子墨水微胶囊及电泳显示原型器件的制备

    Preparation of Electrophoretic Ink Microcapsules and Electrophoretic Display Prototype

  27. 基于单片机控制的电子墨水显示性能研究和显示器件制作

    Research on Electronic Ink Display Performance by MCU and Manufacture of Display Devices

  28. 每只鞋的左右两侧都嵌入了可弯曲的电子墨水显示器。

    Each shoe has flexible e-ink displays on the left and right sides .

  29. 电子墨水屏上的字即使在耀眼的阳光下也能看得清楚。

    E-paper screens hold up well in bright sunlight .

  30. 微胶囊化电子墨水的研究现状及其应用

    Recent Development and Applications of Microencapsulated Electrophoretic Ink