
  1. FOSSPatents的穆勒按照惯例,在网站上发表了宏达电一案最详细的分析报告,其中包括苹果向ITC提起的关键“专利侵权表”(claimcharts)的详细分解。

    FOSS patents ' Mueller , as usual , has the most detailed analysis of the HTC case , included a breakdown of the key " claim charts " that Apple filed with the ITC .

  2. 热电制冷是一种直接利用电一热转换达到制冷目的的固体制冷技术。

    Thermoelectric refrigeration is a solid-state refrigeration technique that uses thermoelectric conversion directly to get cooling .

  3. 在家里通电一段时间,整个鞋内的潮气全没有了,而且很保温。

    Electricity at home for some time , the moisture inside the shoe was gone , and very warm .

  4. 桥电一厂停机后花园系统部分线路零序保护定值存在的问题及分析

    Existing Problem and Analysis of Zero Sequence Protective Constant Value of Huayuan System 's Partial Line after Stopping Unit of Qiaotou Thermal Power Plant 's First Branch

  5. 传统流体控制阀大量使用电磁铁作为电一机械转换级,将控制信号转换为机械的位移,推动阀芯,实现通路的开关、切换或输出压力、流量的控制。

    Traditional large-scale use of fluid control solenoid valve as a mechanical power conversion level , the control signal is converted to mechanical displacement , spool to promote and achieve access switch , switch , or the output pressure and flow control .

  6. PE烧结管过滤隔膜电槽一次盐水的小试总结

    Summary on the bench test of filtering the primary brine for diaphragm electrolysis using PE sintered tubular filter

  7. 平均每口井浸泡时间缩短8.15d,平均机械钻速提高32.4%,固井合格率为100%,完井电测一次成功率由60%提高至72%,平均完井作业时间缩短4d;

    Cementing qualification rate reached 100 % and completion logging success rate improved from 60 % to 72 % , and the average completion operation time shorted by 4 days .

  8. 利用X射线光电子能谱、红外喇曼反射谱和红外透射谱,研究了在超高真空环境下,红外探测器在电老化一段时间后,其表面镀ZnS的Ge窗口材料表面的变化情况。

    XPS , Raman spectrum and infrared transmittance spectrum were used to study the surface of Ge window on infrared detector , which was electron-aged in ultravacuum after some time . And Ge window was covered with a thin film of ZnS .

  9. 今年早些时候,经产省资源能源厅长官石田彻(tetsuishida)出任东电顾问一职,就引发了争议。

    But tetsu Ishida , a former head of the energy and natural resources agency , caused controversy when he became a TEPCO adviser earlier this year .

  10. 电灯所消耗的电能一部分变成了热能,另一部分变成了光能。

    Electrical energy expended by lamp converts into heat and light .

  11. 变电所一次主接线电气连通性分析的数学模型

    Mathematical model for analysing electrical connectedness of main electrical scheme in Substation

  12. 在日常生活中如果不使用电,一天也过不了

    Not a day pass but we use electricity in our daily life

  13. 电对一个国家是至关重要的。

    Electric power was too important to the country .

  14. 阿光电是一家半导体成为导电时暴露于光。

    A photoconductor is a semiconductor that becomes conductive when exposed to light .

  15. 对高压架空送电线路一种优化换位方式的探讨

    Phase Changing Mode for HV Power Transmission Line

  16. 微场扩流发电机变压器旋转变流器,用于将直流电从一种电压转向另一种电压

    Converter , rotary , used to convert direct current from one voltage to another

  17. 我们节约一滴水、一度电、一升油、一粒粮。

    We saved a water drop , once the electricity , liter oil , a grain of grain .

  18. 无锡供电公司变电运行一工区绩效管理体系设计研究

    Research on Design of Performance Management System of No.1 Working Section of Transformer Substation , Wuxi Power Supply Company

  19. 脑电作为一种无损伤,高时间分辨率,直接反映神经元电活动的技术,在理论研究和临床应用上至今仍有重要意义。

    Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) has very fine time resolution . It 's a noninvasive approach and can directly reflect brain action .

  20. 整体而言,艺电是一家庞大的、收入达到65亿美元之巨的公司,在家庭游戏终端上拥有大量的经常性授权产品。

    EA as a whole is a hulking , $ 6.5 billion company , with huge , recurring franchises on home consoles .

  21. 其次分析并给出了风电这一特殊系统的潮流计算步骤,将计算结果作为动态计算的初始值;

    Secondly the power flow calculation of wind-electricity system is introduced . And the results act as the initial value of dynamic analysis .

  22. 少用一度电、一滴水,就能节约一些自然能源,减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放。

    If we use less once electricity , a drop of water that can save energy and reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions .

  23. 风电作为一种清洁的潜力巨大的可再生能源,对于我国的可持续发展有着十分重要的意义。

    The wind power energy is a green and potentially huge energy which can be regenerative , it has an important significance for our continuable development .

  24. 起下钻和取心施工畅通无阻,电测一次成功,缩短了钻井液对油层的浸泡时间;

    Tripping and coring operations are smooth and logging operation is successful in only one time , which shortens the soaking time of drilling fluid to oil reservoir ;

  25. 风电作为一种新的清洁能源被推到了历史的前台,特别是近几年风电技术取得了前所未有的进步。

    As a new clean energy , wind power is put to the foreground of history . Especially in recent years , wind power technology has achieved unprecedented progress .

  26. 针对电力客户的特点和电作为一种商品的特殊性,建立了电力客户价值指标评价体系;

    According to the performance of power customer and the particularity of electricity as a kind of goods , the evaluation system of value index for power customer is established .

  27. 大用户直购电作为一项探索性目标,应纳入我国电力体制改革、电力市场的系统建设中统筹考虑。

    Large users purchasing energy directly is as a probe aim which should be input into our national power system reformation and taken into account in power marketing system construction .

  28. 相对火电、核电能源,风电作为一种成本低、污染小的清洁能源,已被当今社会高度认可。

    Comparing with thermal power and nuclear energy , wind power is highly recognized on the society as a kind of natural resources which costs lower and has less pollution .

  29. 现代工业的飞速发展和化石能源的日趋枯竭,导致能源和环境问题日趋严峻,风电作为一种可再生的绿色能源,已成为世界上发展最快的可再生能源。

    Energy and environment problem become more and more serious because of the rapid development of modern industry and the increasing depletion of fossil fuels , as a renewable energy , wind power becomes the fastest growing renewable energy of the world .

  30. 现将三相开关磁阻电机的三相绕组采用星形连接,由三相逆变桥对其供电,并以51单片机为控制器核心,采用720°电角度一周期的对称不均匀励磁方式。

    This paper adopted star type conjunction on three phase SRM , supplied with three phase invertion bridges . 51 MCU was the core for controller , it matched with symmetry and uneven excitation mode with 720 ° electric angle a cycle .