
  1. 越南国防预算近来增加了近50%,大多用于增强其空军武力,而目的则是保护其矿藏。

    The Vietnamese defense budget has recently increased nearly , 50 % , largely to beef up its air force with an eye toward protecting the reserves .

  2. 它并没有指出作案者的姓名(一些的指向在中国),但是列举出了72个受害者,包括体育当局,美国,加拿大,引渡,南韩,台湾和越南的政府还有国防承包商其他的许多公司。

    It does not name the perpetrator ( some fingers are pointed at China ) but lists 72 victims , from sporting authorities to the governments of America , Canada , India , South Korea , Taiwan , and Vietnam , plus defence contractors and many other firms .