
  • 网络vietnamese coffee;Vietnam Coffee;Vietnamese iced coffee
  1. 提神饮料:我通常在家喝一杯咖啡,到办公室再喝一杯,但是我也喜欢PhoBang餐馆的越南咖啡。

    Pick-me-up : I usually have a coffee at home and one at work , but I also like the Vietnamese coffee from Pho Bang .

  2. 提神饮料:“我通常在家喝一杯咖啡,到办公室再喝一杯,但是我也喜欢PhoBang餐馆的越南咖啡。”

    Pick-me-up : " I usually have a coffee at home and one at work , but I also like the Vietnamese coffee from Pho Bang . "

  3. 我们分手的原因是由于她喜欢在早晨喝越南咖啡,而我喜欢法式咖啡。

    We parted because she likes Vietnamese coffee in the morning , but I like French .

  4. 各种年龄的当地人都喜欢到咖啡馆去喝强力提神的浓厚越南咖啡(经常要加入大量的炼乳)。

    Locals of all ages head to cafes for bracingly strong Vietnamese coffee ( often flooding it with condensed milk ) .

  5. 在一些国家这种饮品更多的是被称作“Capheda”,而越南冰咖啡这个名字仅仅是为了显示其越南“血统”。

    In some countries it 's more popular and known as Ca phe da , and the name simply suggests its traditional Vietnamese roots .

  6. 咖啡是由法国殖民者带进越南的,所以越南咖啡里的法国味儿特别浓重。

    Coffee was introduced into Vietnam by the French colonists and the French influence is pretty obvious .

  7. 带宽在阻止我们向前发展。现在,一个越南学生在当地网络咖啡厅上网的费用是每小时0.5美元,而且其中并不包含消费可口的越南咖啡的费用。

    Bandwidth is holding us back-right now , it costs a Vietnamese student $ 0.50 an hour to surf the web at his local web caf é( not including his tasty Vietnamese coffee ) .