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  • 网络Geography of Vietnam
  1. 中国和越南地理位置接近,气候的相似、经济发展的阶段相似造成双方的出口产品上有很大的相似性。

    Adjacent to each other , the similar climate and economic developing stage result in a great similarity of export product structure between China and Vietnam .

  2. 越南与中国地理位置毗邻,边境贸易的发展也由来已久。

    Vietnam and China position adjacent to the development of border trade is also a longtime .

  3. 由于汉越词和越语自身的特点,以及越南历史、地理、文化等方面的原因,汉语在越语术语制定的过程中起来到不可替代的作用。

    Due to the characteristics of the Simo-Viet words and the Vietnamese language , and also the nation 's historical , geographical , and cultural factors , Chinese has played an irreplaceable role in standardizing Vietnamese nomenclature .

  4. 绪论部分首先简单介绍了越南的历史地理和社会人文概况,然后比较详细地介绍了越南民族语言的总体面貌,强调指出越南民族和语言的多元一体的性质。

    We provide a brief introduction of history , geography , society , population and a panorama of ethnicities and languages in Vietnam , emphasizing the " Multiple-Origin Unity " characteristics of ethnicities and languages in Vietnam .

  5. 鳄蜥主要分布在中国的广西广东两省区和越南,均为地理隔离种群,对鳄蜥进行保护和研究迫在眉睫。

    Crocodile lizards are mainly distributed with isolated populations in Guangxi and Guangdong of China and Vietnam . The Chinese crocodile lizard is already in urgent need of research and protection .