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jīng zhuāng
  • hardcover;hardback;clothbound;(of books) clothbound
精装 [jīng zhuāng]
  • [(of books) clothbound] 书籍有精美装订的,一般指封面或书脊上包布的

  • 布面精装本

精装[jīng zhuāng]
  1. 在日本,通过任何一台自动售货机都可买到各种精装茶饮料。

    Be in Japan , pass an any automats to be able to buy all sorts of clothbound tea drink .

  2. 在书架上,书籍大都是精装的,也有信手放杂志的小茶几。

    On the bookshelf , the book is clothbound mostly , also letter hand puts the small tea table of the magazine .

  3. 精装本多少钱?

    What 's the price of the hardback ?

  4. 这书去年以精装本出版。

    It was published in hardback last year .

  5. 他的自传精装本已经卖出了36,000多册。

    His autobiography has sold more than 36,000 copies in hardback .

  6. 我们殷切期盼着这本精装版下一卷的面世。

    We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation .

  7. 我喜欢精装版,但我只买得起一本稍差一点的。

    I liked the deluxe edition , but I could afford only a second best .

  8. 他书架上的精装书不过是为了撑场面,从来没看过。

    He put those hardbacks on the shelves just for show ; he never read them .

  9. LivrariaCulture连锁书店也像是一座城市广场。位于圣保罗的分店不仅拥有最新的精装图书,也是三五好友的流连之地。

    A cross between a bookshop and a town square , Livraria Cultura 's outpost in the Jardim Paulistano neighborhood offers plenty of spots to linger with friends or the latest hardcover .

  10. 论文最后以F项目精装修房部分工程采购作为实例进行了案例分析。

    Finally , the thesis carried out the case study taking the project purchase in the F program as an example .

  11. 我们曾经把pdf格式的文件交给印刷方后,不到6周就拿到了精装书样。

    We had bound books in less than six weeks after sending PDF files to the printer .

  12. 去新德里看我叔叔时,我在他书房的桌上看到了一摞包装考究的精装书,这是他从英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的图书馆里借来的。

    Visiting my uncle in New Delhi , I saw a stack of elegant hardcovers on a table in his study , borrowed from the library of the British Council .

  13. 会上正式推出2006年度第一个拳头产品:精装小户型A3楼。

    In the ceremony , the first fist product in2006 has been introduced-A3 style building with finely-decorated small apartments .

  14. 他1974年买了一本全新的首版精装本,两年前在ebay上以900英镑的底价卖掉了它。

    He bought the first hardback edition new in 1974 and sold it two years ago on eBay for his reserve price of 900 .

  15. 包装盒有:瓦楞纸包装盒,白卡纸盒,精装盒,礼品包装盒,牛皮纸盒,展示盒,PVC透明包装盒,彩色纸箱,普通手袋,特种纸手袋等。

    Box are : corrugated boxes , white card boxes , hardcover box , gift box , paper box , display box , PVC transparent box , carton , ordinary handbag , handbags and other specialty paper .

  16. Sivan记得看到过一本精装书,描述了学生的北极探险。

    Sivan remembered seeing one hardcover book that charted a student 's arctic expedition .

  17. 对有些艺术家来说,精装书是载体,比如在斯蒂芬·道尔(StephenDoyle)的几何图形雕塑(左上)和苏·布莱克威尔(SuBlackwell)异想天开的作品(中下)中。

    For some artists , bound books are the medium , as in Stephen Doyle 's geometric sculpture ( top left ) and Su Blackwell 's whimsical one ( bottom center ) .

  18. 为整个德克萨斯的学生提供服务的thepreisscompany旗下有一些房地产,包括泳池、健身房、游戏厅和高端精装公寓,令人愉悦的设施会让最有特权的英国应届毕业生都心生嫉妒。

    And the Preiss company , which caters for students across Texas , has properties that include swimming pools , gyms , games rooms and top-end furnished flats , amenities that would make even the most privileged British undergraduate green with envy .

  19. Nespresso现在拥有175家精装店面。在这些店铺里顾客可以购买咖啡机、胶囊容器和其他的周边产品,也可以一边啜饮咖啡一边品味这种精致生活方式。

    Nespresso now has about 175 boutique storefronts where customers can buy machines , capsules and accessories , sip coffee and taste the lifestyle .

  20. 第二周scribners推出首批精装版50000册,出售得也很快。

    The next week Scribners rolled out the first hardcover edition of 50,000 copies and they too sold out quickly .

  21. 精装本比平装本贵。

    The hardback edition is more expensive than the paperback .

  22. 他发现他卖不出精装书;

    He has found that he cannot sell hardback books ;

  23. 除了精装书,别的任何书我都不写。

    I would never write anything but a hard-cover book .

  24. 他的第二本书上个月出了精装本。

    His second book came out in hardback last month .

  25. 它将在秋季出版精装本。

    It will be published in an edition de luxe in autumn .

  26. 他的最新小说将在本月晚些时候以精装本的形式出版发行。

    His latest novel will be published in hardback later this month .

  27. 精装书比平装书读起来舒服得多。

    Hardbacks are so much nicer to read than paperbacks .

  28. 面包屑留下的行迹,那本精装的童话书。

    A little trace of breadcrumbs . Hardback copy of Fairy Tales .

  29. 我还有精装本可以借给你用。

    I even have a hard-bound edition you could borrow .

  30. 我买到了这本书初版的精装本。

    I 've got the first edition in hardback .