
  • 网络Comber;comb
  1. PX2型精梳机的工艺优化浅析

    Analysis of Optimizing the Process of PX_2 Comber

  2. PX2型棉精梳机气动系统分析

    Analysis on Pneumatic System of PX2 Type Cotton Comber

  3. PX2精梳机分离传动机构的模糊优化设计

    Fuzzy Optimization Design of PX2 Combing Machine Separation Transmission Mechanism

  4. PX2型精梳机高密度整体锡林的使用

    The use of high density cylinder of PX2 comber

  5. PX2型精梳机主传动系统的计算机辅助设计

    CAD on Main Conveyor System for Carding Machine PX2

  6. 结果表明:对于传统A201系列精梳机来说,植针锡林精梳条质量优于整体锡林;

    The test shows that combing sliver quality is better than that of whole cylinder for A201 series comber .

  7. 对PX2型棉精梳机气动系统的组成和工作原理进行了分析,并总结了该气动系统的设计特点。

    The structure and working principle of the pneumatic system of PX2 type cotton comber were analyzed , and the design characteristics of this system were also summarized .

  8. E62型比E76型精梳机分离罗拉的最大加速度值小,对短纤维的适纺性好。

    Comparing with E7 / 6 combers , E62 comber has less the maximum acceleration of detachingoverlapping roll , and has better spinning performance on short fiber .

  9. 本文介绍了台达触摸屏和松下FP1可编程控制器在精梳机上的应用,给出了系统硬件结构和软件设计。

    This paper introduces application of Touching screen of Hitech and PLC of Matsushita FP1 in the Comber , gives the configuration of hardware and software design of the system .

  10. 列举了精梳机现行顶梳的缺陷及其对梳理质量的影响。分析了PX2型精梳机顶梳自洁系统的原理和效果。

    Listing defect of present comber top comb and influence to carding quality , analysing principle and effect of top comb auto clean system on PX2 comber , raising concrete suggestion for designing and making comber top comb .

  11. 采用电子计算机对E62、E76型精梳机分离罗拉的运动特性进行计算与分析。研究了2种精梳机分离罗拉的运动规律及分离接合工艺的变化规律。

    Movement law of detaching roller on E62 and E7 / 6 comber are calculated and analyzed by computer , and the varying law of detachingoverlapping process on the two kinds of combers is studied .

  12. E7/4型精梳机钳板机构作用分析

    Study of the Tongs Plate Mechanism on E7 / 4 Combers

  13. 精梳机主传动机构的计算机集成研究组合导航计算机设计

    Study of Computer Integrated Design for Combing Machine Main Transmission Mechanism

  14. 数字化多轴驱动精梳机机械性能研究

    Study on the Mechanical Property of the Digital Multi-power Drive Comber

  15. 高效能精梳机分离接合工艺比较与分析

    Comparative Analysis on Detaching & Overlapping Processing of High-efficacy Comber

  16. 国产新型精梳机与国外精梳机的比较

    The Comparison between New Combers Made at Home and Abroad

  17. 积极推广高效能精梳机和配套工艺技术&中国纺织工程学会2000年全国高效能精梳机工艺技术交流研讨会会议纪要

    Actively Spread the High-efficacy Comber and It 's Processing Technology

  18. 精梳机速度的高低是衡量其技术水平的重要标志。

    Comber speed is an important symbol of measure its technology level .

  19. E7/6型精梳机锡林梳理面对精梳工艺的影响

    Influence on Combing Process of E7 / 6 Comber Cylinder Combing Surface

  20. 提高国产毛纺精梳机产量的研究

    Research on the output increasing of the wool combing machine

  21. 高效精梳机小卷定量对纺纱质量的影响

    Influence of lap weight of high performance comber on formed yarn quality

  22. 精梳机行星齿轮齿形修形及其实现方法研究

    Research of Modification and Processing Method for the Comber 's Planetary Gear

  23. 精梳机钳板机构的改进对落棉和梳理的影响

    The Influence of Comber Nipper Innovation on Dropping and Combing

  24. 高速精梳机表面不处理分离辊的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Seperating Roll Surface Non-treated for Hi-speed Carding Machine

  25. 精梳机对纤维长度的适纺性研究

    Research on Property of Suitable for Spinning of Fibre Length in Comber

  26. 精梳机钳板机构的非线性动力学模型

    Dynamics Modeling of Nipper Mechanism on Comber with Non-linear Finite Element Method

  27. 精梳机在纺织企业生产中起着重要的作用。

    The comber plays the important part in production of the spin enterprise .

  28. 高效能精梳机技术与工艺创新的探讨

    Discussion of Technology and Processing Innovation on High-efficacy Comber

  29. 精梳机的梳理度与精梳制品棉结含量的关系

    Relationship of carding degree of comber against the nep containing of combed product

  30. 新型精梳机及其工艺流程的探讨

    Discussion on New Combers and the New Process System