
  • 网络refining equipment
  1. 二次精炼设备对钢中气体的影响

    Influence of Secondary Refining Equipment on the Gas in Liquid Steel

  2. 单单钢的精炼设备就可能值两千万英镑。

    The steel refining equipment alone may cost twenty millions pound .

  3. 首钢第二炼钢厂2号LF炉精炼设备设计

    Equipment Design of No.2 LF Refining Furnace in Shougang No.2 Steel-making Plant

  4. 配小方坯连铸的100tANS-OB钢水精炼设备及工艺

    Equipment and technique of 100 t ANS-OB for billet continuous casting

  5. RH作为炼钢与连铸之间的重要精炼设备之一,能很大程度上提高钢水质量,满足大批量生产高附加值产品的要求。

    As one of the important refining equipments between steelmaking and continuous casting , RH can improve steel quality largely and meet the demand of mass production of high additional value .

  6. K-OBM-S转炉是以铁水和电弧炉预熔钢液为原料冶炼不锈钢的精炼设备。

    K-OBM-S converter is a refining unit for steelmaking of stainless steel by charging hot metal and EAF pre-melting molten steel .

  7. 日本采用大型AOD和VOD精炼设备,以很低的成本大批量地生产了多种牌号超纯铁素体不锈钢,因而在许多方面的应用领域里逐步取代了奥氏体不锈钢。

    With giant AOD and VOD refining units , Japan has produced a lot of ultra pure ferritic stainless steel of various grades at very low cost . Thus in many application fields , ultra pure ferritic stainless steel is taking the place of austenitic stainless steel .

  8. 介绍了莱钢炼钢厂两座30t炉外精炼设备的计算机控制系统的计算方法及功能,对上位机控制原理作了较详细的说明。

    O introduce the computation method and functions of the computer control system for two sets of 30 t ladle refining unit at Steelmaking Works of Laiwu Iron and Steel Company and also give a detailed description of the host computer control principle .

  9. 水环泵组在钢液真空精炼设备上的应用

    The application of water circulation pump in steel liquids vacuum refinery equipment

  10. ANS-OB100t钢水精炼设备配小方坯连铸的冶金效果铁液与钢液的粘度

    Metallurgical effects of matching ANS-OB 100t molten steel refining equipment with billet caster viscosity of molten iron and steel

  11. 喂丝机是炉外精炼设备之一,它对提高钢的质量具有十分重要的意义。

    Metal thread feeding machine is one of the refining equipment outside the steel-making furnace , which is quite important to improve steel-making quality .

  12. 电渣炉是以电渣重熔技术为基础,被广泛应用于冶金领域中的一种精炼设备。

    Electroslag furnace which is based on the electroslag remelting technique is a kind of extensive applied smelting-equipment in the province of special metallurgy .

  13. 在实验室研究的基础上,用150tLF/VD精炼设备进行了含钡合金对钢液脱氧的工业试验研究。

    Based on the laboratory results the industrial test of deoxidation of molten steel was done on 150 t with ferroalloy containing barium ladle furnace and vacuum degassing equipment .

  14. 描述了我国现存的大量中小型转炉的现状,在中小型转炉车间应用精炼设备所要注意的问题,并对几种比较适合的精炼方法作了介绍。

    In this paper , the actualities of many in our country and the problems in application of the refining equipment are described . Furthermore , several suitable refining methods are introduced .

  15. 炉外精炼真空设备维护及故障分析

    Analysis and Maintenance of Ladel Refining 's Vacuum Equipment Malfunction

  16. LF&25t钢包精炼炉设备冷却水系统设计改造实践

    Renovation Practice on the Cooling Water System of the LF-25t Ladle Refining Furnace Apparatus

  17. 经过几十年的发展,RH真空精炼的硬件设备和工艺技术已经越来越成熟,RH真空精练已经被广泛的应用在钢水处理流程中。

    After decades development , the facility and technology of RH vacuum refining has become mature , it has been applied widely in the processing of liquid steel .

  18. 以吉林镍业公司Ф1600mm×3800mm高压釜为例,介绍镍精炼中核心设备&高压釜的设计。

    Taking the Ф 1600mm × 3800mm high-pressure kettle in Jilin Nickel industry Group as an example , the paper recommends the design of the high-pressure kettle which is the key equipment in Nickel Refining Project .

  19. 随着纯净钢生产技术的进步和连铸技术的发展,以及降低生产成本的要求,炉外精炼工艺与设备迅速普及。

    With the development of purify steel technology and continue cast , the equipment and facility of second refining , the demand of production cost .

  20. 本文简介100tASEA&SKF钢包精炼炉的设备装置、精炼工艺、真空脱气的效果及锻件的质量。

    In this paper , equipment , refining technology and the effect of vacuum degassing of the 100t ASEA-SKF ladle furnace as well as the quality of forgings have been presented briefly .

  21. 为及时了解油脂连续精炼工艺与设备实际运行状况,实施油脂精炼车间考核、成本预测及设备保养,确保油脂产品的质量,定期进行油脂精炼工艺测定是一条有效而经济的途径。

    Process determination at regular frequency is an effective and economic method to find out actual situations of process and equipments , supervise plant 's operation , account direct production cost and maintain equipment insure the quality of product etc.

  22. 一设置石油蒸馏、精炼及掺配设备。

    Have installed oil distillation , refining , and blending equipment .

  23. 电极是电弧炉和精炼炉的重要设备,起电离中间空气、对钢水或金属材料进行加热的作用。

    Electrode is important equipment for refining furnace and electric arc furnace , starting in the middle of ionizing air , or molten metal material for heating .

  24. 单嘴真空精炼装置是一种新型的炉外精炼设备。

    Single snorkel vacuum refining equipment is a new style refining equipment .