
jīnɡ zhì yóu
  • refined oil;render
  1. 比较了溶剂精制油、加氢油和合成油所调制的轿车用发动机油(PCMO)各项性能。

    The various performances of PCMO formulated from solvent refined oil , hydrogenated base oil and PAO were compared .

  2. 分析了精制油前后性质的变化;

    Analyzed the changement between the refined oil and unrefined oil ;

  3. 该工艺能将精制油的氮含量从5000μg/g降至1500μg/g以下,而精制油的收率在80%以上。

    The raffinate oil recovery can be more than 80 % , and in which the nitrogen content was less than 1 . 5 mg / g.

  4. 精制油收率99%以上,其安定性达到了优级轻柴油的标准(沉渣<2.0mg/100mL,色号≤16)。

    The yieid of refined diesel is above 99 % , the stability has met the requirements of premium grade light diesel ( deposit < 2.0mg / 100mL , and colority < 16 ) .

  5. 精制油废水处理工艺研究

    Study on the Process of Oil - refining Wastewater Treatment

  6. 焦化蜡油溶剂精制油的加氢裂化工艺研究

    Study on hydrocracking of solvent extraction raffinate from Coker Gatch

  7. 加氢精制油经实沸点蒸馏切割成240~310℃和310~365℃两种高温导热油。

    The hydrofined product was fractionated into two fractions of240-310 ℃ and310-365 ℃ .

  8. 添加表面活性剂对糠醛精制油收率的影响

    Affect of adding surface active agent for increasing yield of furfural refined oil

  9. 精制油废水的浓度高、水质变化大、生物降解性好。

    The concentration of oil-refining wastewater is high and its quality changes greatly .

  10. 通过实验确定了糠醛精制油浆的最佳操作条件:温度为50℃;

    The optimum conditions of furfural extraction are as follows : temperature is 50 ℃;

  11. 煤直接液化技术及其液化粗质油和精制油特点

    Technology of Coal Direct Liquefaction and Characterization of Heavy Coal Derived Liquid and Refined Oil

  12. 精制油切取初馏点~80℃的馏分作为醚化原料,用乙醇醚化。

    The refining gasoline ( HK - 80 ℃) is etherified with ethanol as material .

  13. 上等海蜇皮、精盐、味精、胡椒粉、葱、精制油。

    Superior jellyfish , refined salt , MSG , pepper powder , scallion , refined oil .

  14. 最高精制油质量收率为51.95%。

    Under the condition , the mass recovery rate of treated oil is about 51.95 % .

  15. 利用低沸点溶剂萃取技术,对3种植物油进行提取和精炼试验,获得高质量的精制油。

    Low-boiling point solvent ( propane ) was used to extract oil from 3 plant seeds .

  16. 连续重整开工精制油硫含量高的因素分析及措施

    Analysis and Solutions against High Sulfur Content in the Refined Oil during the Startup of Continuous Reforming

  17. 精制油收率提高了1.0%以上;

    The yield of refined oil is increased from 96 % ~ 98 % to 99.3 % .

  18. 他想起了他用滚烫的精制油烹制的羊肉、牛排和熏咸肉。

    He thought of his mutton , beef and bacon cooked in the hottest , finest oil .

  19. 浸出的毛油经脱酸、脱色、脱臭处理,获得的精制油达到并超过国际葡萄籽油标准。经N.M。

    The refined oil can reach and exceed international standard of grape seed oil . The blades treated by N.

  20. 随着碱性氮脱除率提高,精制油折光率呈不断下降趋势。

    The refractive index of the refined oil decreases continuously with the increase of the removal rate of BCN .

  21. 通过加入复合助剂,改善糠醛的溶解能力和选择性,从而提高精制油收率,改善精制油质量。

    Adding the compound agent can improve the solution ability and selectivity of furfural and enhance the recovery and quality of treated oil .

  22. 伊朗油糠醛精制油收率低,酮苯脱蜡油收率高。

    Compared with Daqing crude , the furfural refined oil yields of Iranian crude were low , and its dewaxed oil yields were high .

  23. 原料:河虾、姜末、葱花、绍酒、精盐、味精、糖、精制油。

    Ingredients : River shrimp , ginger powder , chopped scallion , rice wine , refined salt , MSG , sugar , refined oil .

  24. 高温或阳光能降低黄酮和多酚的含量,采用大孔树脂精制油橄榄叶提取物,可获得多酚含量在80%以上的油橄榄叶提取物。

    The extract of olive leaf was purified by macroporous resin . The content of total polyphenols of purified extract was over 80 % .

  25. 根据实验结果提出了平衡数据的推算方法,并求得计算在不同条件下精制油收率的经验公式。

    A method for the solubility equilibrium prediction and an empirical for - mula for calculation of the refined product yield were also given .

  26. 粗汽油制取重整开工用氢气与精制油的工艺技术研究粗汽油干点的在线软测量

    Research on Manufacturing Hydrogen and Refined Oils from Naphtha for Start-up of Reformer ON-LINE SOFT SENSING FOR END POINT OF NAPHTHA BASED ON NEURAL NETWORK

  27. 如我们所知,由于过敏原大多是蛋白质,那么,从转基因生物体中得来的非蛋白产品、比如高级精制油,就不太会引发过敏。

    As known allergens are almost all proteins , this is unlikely to apply to non-protein products derived from GM organisms , such as highly refined oils .

  28. 结果表明,在保证精制油质量前提下可使苯酚精制油收率提高2.3个百分点。

    On the yield and quality of the refined oil were investigated . The test result showed that the yield of the qualified refined oil was increased by 2.3 % .

  29. 从加工情况来看,糠醛装置废液系统负荷偏小,糠醛精制油收率提高了4%;

    And processing results indicated that , the processing capacity of waste liquid system of the furfural extraction unit lowers , the yield of furfural extraction oil increases by 4 percentage points ;

  30. 以兰炼常减压装置减一线去蜡油为原料(新疆原油),采用糠醛为溶剂,考察温度梯度、剂油比、含水量、萃取段数与精制油产品之间的关系。

    Using xinjiang crude oil as materials , the factors of temperature gradient , solvent-oil ratio , water content , and extraction number of plate in the product of furfural refinement were studied .