
  1. 精品会因定义与设计而异。

    Luxury is changing by definition and design .

  2. 卡塞勒还是LVMH集团总裁伯纳德·阿诺特(BernardArnault)的顾问,也是法国奢侈品行业游说团法国精品行业联合会(ComitéColbert)的成员。

    He had also been an adviser to the LVMH chairman , Bernard Arnault , and served on the board of the French luxury industry lobby , the Comit é Colbert .

  3. 他说,精品烘烤店会作为一家企业来运营,并且要想存活下来,就必须盈利。

    He said the Reserve stores would be run as a business and must make a profit to survive .

  4. 展会期间将举办中外艺术精品大型专场拍卖会。

    The exposition will hold large art auction of internal and external top quality artworks .