
  1. 电视教材画面主体构图浅析

    The Main of TV Textbook Appearance and Composition Analyse

  2. 第三个,也是最大的矩形是一幅模糊的画中画,占据了画面主体。

    The third , largest rectangle is an obscure painting-within-a-painting , reaching across the main picture .

  3. 那么,电视教材画面的主体,在构图方面遵循什么规律呢?

    What law does the main part of appearance of the TV textbook follow on the composition of picture ?

  4. 衬底的地纹为细拉的镂空图案,画面的主体采用浅刻。构图精美,细腻耐看。

    The base vein is thin hollow out pattern . The main body of the picture is carved lightly . The design is delicate and beautiful .

  5. 电影效果模式会预判到一个主体即将进入画面,当主体真的进入时,智能地转换焦点。

    Cinematic mode anticipates when a subject is about to enter the frame , and intelligently racks focus to them when they do .

  6. 他画面中的主体在光线的塑造下,形象饱满,丰富的明暗为整体的意境添加了更多的意味,在无限的暗影中潜藏着不可预知性的神秘。

    He subject of the picture in the light , image and full , rich light and shade of artistic conception adding more means , in the infinite shadow lurked the unpredictable nature of mystery .